Heaven Above, Earth Below (2022) 描画 Philip Guest によって

紙のインク, 5.9x4.1 in
プライス: 送料無料

販売者 Philip Guest
発送元: アメリカ合衆国 (封筒)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Philip Guest



最大解像度: 1214 x 1723 px

販売者 Philip Guest

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 描画, 紙の インク / 水彩画
  • 寸法 高さ 5.9in, 幅 4.1in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 図面 $500未満 スピリチュアルアート 秘教
Once upon a time I was a performance artist, then later a Teacher in Waldorf Schools. This is the opening of some Kindergarten poem, I think? I am increasingly thinking of these "artworks" as performance pieces, rather than objects. Each piece has a recipe (or score). The performers are myself, tools, ink, paper and water. A[...]
Once upon a time I was a performance artist, then later a Teacher in Waldorf Schools.
This is the opening of some Kindergarten poem, I think?
I am increasingly thinking of these "artworks" as performance pieces, rather than objects. Each piece has a recipe (or score). The performers are myself, tools, ink, paper and water. A performance can be repeated many times, under many different conditions. Any resultant object is a souvenir, and each, while still following the recipe, will be as different as the circumstances within which it was created..



The artwork isn't here yet, but I have been enjoying the process of preparing for its arrival! There are three sub-galleries: Color - is where I am allowing myself to be educated[...]

The artwork isn't here yet, but I have been enjoying the process of preparing for its arrival!

There are three sub-galleries:

Color - is where I am allowing myself to be educated by the forces of color. Golly, they have taught me a lot already, especially about myself.  

Form - I have taught Geometry for many years. Some of the work my students have produced blows me away! Near the dawn of time I was an architectural draftsman. Originally I was going to have Music as a separate gallery, but I think it properly belongs here. Music and Math, Architecture and Astronomy, Pattern and Form.

Alphabets - Symbolic representation is such a unique human power. My theory is that we developed this from watching the stars, seeing the correspondences between those patterns above and events of our experience. The development of Chinese characters from Cave Drawings is a straight line. Syllables and Phonics are a bit more complex. And then, at this point in history, so many layers! The throw away attitude to letters, words and language that both schools and general culture seem to be deteriorating into I find both saddening and appalling! Please let's not squander such awesome possibilities! Convenience is all very well in its place. Quantity is an attribute. But let's not close ourselves off to the beautiful and the profound.

My hope is that the art will be a fusion, a weaving together of these three strands.

Products to me are incidental, evidence, we hope, of a living process, and that process needs to be an adventure.

I have been collecting words, colors, shapes and patterns that I enjoy. I can do some work with those, but collaboration is always more exciting! If you have some words, shapes and colors that you enjoy, that resonate or that mean something to you, then please let me know. Maybe we can work together to produce something significant? I would enjoy that!

Philip Guestからもっと見る

紙のインク | 4.1x5.9 in
紙のインク | 6x6 in
紙のインク | 6x6 in
紙のインク | 5.9x4.1 in

