Early lilacs and fruits (2023) Pintura por Petr Kisenuk

Oleo en Lienzo, 47,2x37,4 in
1.838,85 US$
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Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Papel de bellas artes, 10x8 in
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Listo para colgar
Esta obra se enmarca
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Oleo en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones 49,2x39,4 in
    Dimensiones del trabajo solo, sin marco: Altura 47,2in, Anchura 37,4in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra se enmarca
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$ Impresionismo Flor
Material - Canvas Framing - Old frame Period of creation - 2023 Dimensions - 47.2"x37.4" / 120x95 cm Style - Modernism, Impressionism Subject - Still Life Creation technique - Oil Each painting is carefully and well packaged Certificate of Authenticity (COA) from the art gallery​
Material - Canvas
Framing - Old frame
Period of creation - 2023
Dimensions - 47.2"x37.4" / 120x95 cm
Style - Modernism, Impressionism
Subject - Still Life
Creation technique - Oil

Each painting is carefully and well packaged
Certificate of Authenticity (COA) from the art gallery​

All paintings in our gallery are one of a kind.

Peter Kishenyuk was born in 1965 in Novy Rozdol, Lviv region. Graduated from Mirgorod Ceramic Technical School named after N. A. Gogol in 1986. He graduated from Mirgorod Ceramic Technical School named after N. A. Gogol in 1986. Then - Lviv Academy of Arts, Department of Architectural and Decorative Plastics.
Participant of all-Ukrainian exhibitions (Poltava, Kiev), the first personal exhibition of the master of painting was held in 2005. The second personal exhibition of the artist organized in Sumy regional art museum named after N. Onatsky in 2009, where he presented 50 author's works. N. Onatskiy in 2009, where he presented 50 works of art. The third solo exhibition was held in the same museum in July 2021 and was called "Sumy - New York. Cities Connected by Art".
Kishenyuk Petro's works are in private collections in Ukraine, Poland, USA, Germany, Canada and Spain.

5% of the purchase amount will be transferred to the fund for humanitarian aid to Ukrainians. Thank you for your support.

If you need more information, photos or video - contact us and we will provide everything.

ArtDom gallery - we will package and ship your purchase quickly all over the world.

Temas relacionados

Original Oil PaintingOil PaintingStill Life PaintingOil ArtworkPainting In Frame

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Artista representado por Art Dom
Петр Иванович Кишенюк родился в 1965 году в Новом Роздоле Львовской области.Во время учебы в учебных заведениях и самостоятельно познакомился с различными техниками и стилями живописи. Он активно использует[...]

Петр Иванович Кишенюк родился в 1965 году в Новом Роздоле Львовской области.Во время учебы в учебных заведениях и самостоятельно познакомился с различными техниками и стилями живописи. Он активно использует их в своем творчестве, стараясь в каждом случае выбрать подходящие для отображения своих впечатлений на холсте, а при необходимости цитирует любимые места. В экспозиции представлены портрет, натюрморт, пейзаж, картины-размышления, картины-объяснения, картины-выражения.

Ver más de Petr Kisenuk

Ver todas las obras
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605,45 US$
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