Agave Moonrise (1987) Arte tessile da Patricia Gould

  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Arte tessile, Tessuto / Filo
  • Dimensioni Altezza 57in, Larghezza 25in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera è incorniciata
  • Categorie Classicismo Fiore
I love seeing the agaves bloom in late spring/early summer. Fabrics, paint, threads. Collection of New Mexico Arts Division, Art in Public Places Los Lunas Intensive Outpatient Treatment Facility, Los Lunas, NM A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione,[...]
I love seeing the agaves bloom in late spring/early summer. Fabrics, paint, threads.

Collection of New Mexico Arts Division, Art in Public Places Los Lunas Intensive Outpatient Treatment Facility, Los Lunas, NM

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Since 1994, Patricia has exhibited her artwork at juried shows in museums and galleries around the US and in China, Taiwan, Mexico, Italy, Hungary, and Ukraine. Her artwork has been exhibited at the US Embassy[...]

Since 1994, Patricia has exhibited her artwork at juried shows in museums and galleries around the US and in China, Taiwan, Mexico, Italy, Hungary, and Ukraine. Her artwork has been exhibited at the US Embassy in Tallinn, Estonia from 2002 – 2004 and currently at the US Embassy in Myanmar. Two of her artworks were juried into the online collection of the Library of Congress in 1994. In 2005, Patricia was chosen to be an Artist-in-Residence for a month in Balatonfured, Hungary. Patricia has also had her artworks published in 5 books and featured in 12 magazine articles. In 2012, she was invited to be a featured artist and teacher in Tainan, Taiwan and also in Beijing, China in 2015. Included among the dozens of awards that Patricia has won for her art, she won a Niche Award in 2008 and again in 2013. The State of New Mexico has purchased and installed 10 of Patricia’s landscapes as part of the Art in Public Places Program at various sites around New Mexico.

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