Life is Amazing! Isn't? (2022) 絵画 Iryna Tatur によって

紙のインク, 23.2x16.9 in
プライス: 送料無料
販売者 Iryna Tatur
お客様のレビュー (6)
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Iryna Tatur



最大解像度: 2781 x 4056 px

販売者 Iryna Tatur

When I'm sad… I'll be sad in the arms of the Night… I'll cry with the Rain... I'll light a Fire in my fireplace. I'll pour myself some wine... I'll hug my sadness. I'll hug myself. I'll hug my Cat... I'll hug you... And life is Amazing! Despite everything! Is not it? Love lives in my paintings[...]
When I'm sad… I'll be sad in the arms of the Night… I'll cry with the Rain... I'll light a Fire in my fireplace. I'll pour myself some wine... I'll hug my sadness. I'll hug myself. I'll hug my Cat... I'll hug you... And life is Amazing! Despite everything! Is not it?

Love lives in my paintings :)



My name is Iryna Tatur. I am from Belarus. When I was a little girl, I painted endlessly and was happy with it :) I painted not only on paper, but also painted walls, furniture and pillows :) I was a brave[...]

My name is Iryna Tatur. I am from Belarus. When I was a little girl, I painted endlessly and was happy with it :) I painted not only on paper, but also painted walls, furniture and pillows :) I was a brave and confident Little Artist!

Then I graduated with honors from an art college and university. But I lost interest in art suddenly. I betrayed My Dream to be an Artist for many years. I worked as an art teacher for over twenty years and did not paint at all.

I returned to painting already in adulthood. I was afraid that I would live my whole life and would not fulfill My Dream of Childhood  to become a Great Artist. I burst into tears ..

And I remembered when I was little girl, I loved to pick up the feather of a bird and dunk it in ink and draw on paper. It was Real Magic for me :)

So I started paint again!

My Fantastic Artist was reborn! My Way of the Artist was a long, difficult and exciting adventure! My Main Teacher is Nature. Every day I observed the Sky, the Sun and the Moon, smiles of Flowers and bends of Trees, flights of Birds and the charm of Animals :) I admired Women's faces and made thousands of sketches. I painted and searched for Myself, my own Unique Style, my own Unique Soul.

Each of my paintings is an Inspiration, Passion and flight of my Soul :)  I see Beauty and Love in the simplest things. Goddesses, Sorceresses, Funny Cats, Magic Birds, Fairies live in my paintings. And I want to share this Magic, Beauty and Love with you from all my Heart! I want my paintings to decorate houses and galleries:)  I want my paintings to give Smiles, Joy and Belief in the Best when someone is sad :)

I thank every Fan of my art, and every Buyer. My Paintings are in private collections in Belarus, Russia, Germany, Israel, Argentina, USA.

I took part in the exhibitions "Love Line: Picasso, Matisse, Schiele " (2020), "Shunga. Japanese erotic engravings" (Belarus. 2021). "Toulouse Lautrec. Passions at the Moulin Rouge" (2021). "Tattoo in art. Art in tattoo" (Belarus, 2021).

Love lives in my paintings :)

 Thank you :)


Iryna Taturからもっと見る

紙のインク | 23.6x44.1 in
紙のインク | 37x24.4 in
紙のインク | 23.2x16.5 in
紙のインク | 23.2x16.5 in

