Energy generator for a songwriter (2019) Malerei von Ol'Svol'D

Öl auf Papier, 33,1x23,4 in
110.776,12 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand

Verkäufer Ol'Svol'D
Kundenrezensionen (87)
Versand aus: Ukraine (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) - Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation im Land kann es zu zusätzlichen Verzögerungen kommen
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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Kostenlose Rücksendungen
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1.947,21 $
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Verkäufer Ol'Svol'D

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 2 Sammlungen
"Energy generator for a songwriter" The songwriters of the last century - the creators of wonderful texts, have always been supported by the Higher Powers. They created their brilliant works, which became masterpieces and were extremely popular, received great love from the public and are still relevant today. The[...]
"Energy generator for a songwriter"
The songwriters of the last century - the creators of wonderful texts, have always been
supported by the Higher Powers.
They created their brilliant works, which became masterpieces and were extremely
popular, received great love from the public and are still relevant today. The modern “art of poetry”, which is in demand among young people, cannot be supported by the Heavenly Powers at all because of the impudence, low spiritual content, the presence of rudeness and vulgarity not only in the texts, but also in the plots of video clips.
Unfortunately, the taste and requirements for the artistic value of the texts of a certain group of the population have significantly decreased, and there is no need to talk about good hit songs.
However, the hope is remained for the literary elite, which will be able to revive, preserve and develop their talents.
This Tsvetnosti ( painting ) is intended for such an elite. It generates the energy of the artistic word in the lyrics of songwriters who strive to create truly beautiful hit lyrics.

"Генератор энергии для поэта-песенника"
Поэты-песенники прошлого столетия - создатели замечательных текстов всегда
поддерживались Высшими Силами.
Они создавали свои гениальные произведения, которые становились шедеврами и были чрезвычайно популярны, пользовались большой любовью публики и актуальны до сих пор.
Современное же «искусство поэзии», которое пользуется спросом у молодежи,
никоим образом не может быть поддержано Высшими Силами из-за дерзкого, низко духовного содержания, наличия грубости и пошлости не только в текстах, но и в сюжетах видеоклипов.
К сожалению вкус и требования к художественной ценности текстов определенной группы населения значительно снизились, и говорить о хороших песнях-хитах не приходится.
Однако остается надежда на литературную элиту, которая сможет возродить, сохранить и развить свои таланты.
Для этой элиты и предназначена данная Цветность (картина). Она генерирует
энергию художественного слова в текстах поэтов-песенников, которые стремятся
создать истинно прекрасные тексты-хиты.

Verwandte Themen


Automatisch übersetzt
The Creator of Tsvetnosti (paintings) - OL'SVOL'D. Ol'svol'd - is a Ukrainian phenomenon who creates his paintings in a deep state of meditation that carry a powerful energy value[...]

The Creator of Tsvetnosti (paintings) - OL'SVOL'D.

Ol'svol'd - is a Ukrainian phenomenon who creates his paintings in a deep state of meditation that carry a powerful energy value and have a positive spiritual impact on the human body and consciousness.

- Ukrainian phenomenon

- a world-famous artist

- certified listed artist

- included in the rating of the most outstanding artists in the history of art and is one of the most expensive contemporary living artists (according to the independent international expert Akoun);



- founder of the new direction in the art field - NEW AGE SACRED ABSTRACT ART - TSVETNOSTI (paintings). 

Tsvetnosti paintings is Ol'svol'd's own style of abstractionism;

- founder of OL'SVOL'D Art Gallery and OL'SVOL'D TSVETNOSTI project, which aims to create and show humanity a new concept of galleries of the future - "Galleries of Eternity."

The canvases created by Ol'svol'd are called TSVETNOSTI. The word «tsvetnosti» is of Old Slavic origin and means "light of the soul." 

Ol'svol'd inherited the ability to manifest the high vibrations on the canvas from his teacher. Tsvetnosti paintings is a general name for all Ol'svol'd's artworks. Each painting has its own purpose and meaning (so-called transcript) and belongs to the genre of Sacred Abstract Art, originally from Ukraine.

The artworks of Ol'svol'd to a certain extent, resonate with the paintings of Mark Rothko, Kazimir Malevich, and Clyfford Still because they have a similar impact on humans and space, yet in terms of their energy content, Ol’svol’d’s paintings dominate the paintings of the most famous artists.


Artworks by Ol'svol'd are officially certified and recognized by AKOUN, the international independent French expert (the international independent art expert and the world leader in art market information since 1985), which estimated the average cost of a TSVETNOSTI artwork by OL’SVOL’D at €20,000.

In 2020 Ol'svol'd was added to "La Cote des Peintres" - the largest reference book of art that ranks the best artists from the 17th century to the present day.


Tsvetnosti paintings by Ol’svol’d:

- have received 136 international awards and were represented at more than 60 large-scale events around the world; 

- were exhibited at art exhibitions, solo exhibitions, and auctions in the following countries: Ukraine, Great Britain, Switzerland, UAE, USA, Germany, Italy,  France, Spain, Poland, Latvia, Czech Republic, and Georgia.

- participated in London Art Biennale 2021 


Ol'svol'd manifests the sacred energy on the canvases.

Ol'svol'd's paintings, for all reduction in means, are bursting with energy and alive with the human spirit. This happens precisely because OL’SVOL’D wants to remove the distractions and preoccupations of the material realm. He wants to draw our attention and shift our focus from the material world to the inner world.

OL’SVOL’D’s goal is to connect people with their Spirit.

Mehr von Ol'Svol'D

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