Mystical Shasta (2024) Painting by Olga Serebryanskaya

Acrylic on Canvas, 15.8x23.6 in
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Seller Olga Serebryanskaya

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 15.8in, Width 23.6in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Figurative Mountainscape
On every continent except Antarctica, one great chakra is located Earth. Mount Shasta (USA, California) is the main chakra of the planet, the “base” of its energy system. The energy of the mountain resembles a geyser - a powerful surge of vital energy. Shasta reveals ""himself"" only to those who honor life, themselves, the[...]
On every continent except Antarctica, one great chakra is located Earth. Mount Shasta (USA, California) is the main chakra of the planet, the “base” of its energy system. The energy of the mountain resembles a geyser - a powerful surge of vital energy.
Shasta reveals ""himself"" only to those who honor life, themselves, the Earth and all other kingdoms that inhabit the planet
The painting is made using loose leaf silver and texture paste. Silver is a healing element, which, in combination with the energy of a place of power, enhances the therapeutic effect of viewing the picture.

Related themes

NaturePlace Of PowerLandscapeTravelCalifornia

Automatically translated
Olga Serebryanskaya, a contemporary Russian artist, has gone from painting clothes and walls to creating memorable paintings telling about her travels. In 2021, she reached a major[...]

Olga Serebryanskaya, a contemporary Russian artist, has gone from painting clothes and walls to creating memorable paintings telling about her travels. In 2021, she reached a major milestone by graduating from the Aron Honore Academy of Hyperrealistic Drawing. This transformative journey led her to become involved in promoting the academy. Her creative odyssey has been shaped by her exploration of 15 different cultures in 15 countries, revealing the wings of her potential. But it was her stay in the cozy town of Malmö in southern Sweden that left an indelible mark on her creative spirit. Standing on the embankment and looking at the Oresund Bridge connecting Denmark and Sweden, Olga experienced an internal surge of energy, reminiscent of a time machine, transporting her to the windowsill of her childhood, where she, sitting on it and looking at the sky, dreamed of travel. The deep grey-blue hues of Malmö's water reminded her of that sky, and she made Malmö's waterfront her "place of power".
For Olga, these “places of power” are scattered across the globe, each of which is filled with unique energy, which she tries to capture in her paintings. Her artistic narrative is intertwined with landscapes and locations that evoke warmth, chest-filling energy and the joy of fulfilling childhood dreams even in adulthood. The distinctive element of her work is silver, paying homage to her family name and symbolizing the intangible and magical essence that resonates within us.
Olga Serebryanskaya’s canvases transcend geographical boundaries, inviting viewers to go on a visual journey, where every stroke is evidence of the energy and joy of discovering one’s “place of power.” In her paintings, she not only conveys the beauty of diverse places, but also taps into the universal human experience of reconnecting with childhood dreams and conquering the world through art.

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Acrylic on Canvas | 15.8x23.6 in
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