Persephone's Imperfection (2023) Skulptur von Nathan Goodman

Skulptur - Ton, 17,5x12 in
951 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand

Verkäufer Nathan Goodman
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33,00 $
130,00 $
272,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 1368 x 1804 px
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Verkäufer Nathan Goodman

Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Skulptur, Ton auf Metall
  • Masse Höhe 17,5in, Breite 12in / 9.00 lb
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Für den Außenbereich geeignet? Nein, Dieses Kunstwerk kann nicht im Freien ausgestellt werden
  • Kategorien Skulpturen unter 1.000 $ Figurative Weibliche Akte
In Greek mythology, Persephone is the goddess of spring and rebirth. Her name symbolizes resilience and the ability to overcome challenges. From the hands of the artist, Persephone emerges—a testament to the alchemy of creativity and the malleable earth from which she is made. Her form, shaped from supple clay, stands poised on the threshold of existence.[...]
In Greek mythology, Persephone is the goddess of spring and rebirth. Her name symbolizes resilience and the ability to overcome challenges. From the hands of the artist, Persephone emerges—a testament to the alchemy of creativity and the malleable earth from which she is made. Her form, shaped from supple clay, stands poised on the threshold of existence. These once-raw materials, now molded and textured, embrace her like a second skin—a fusion of elemental substance and imagined life.

As sunlight caresses Persephone's figure, it highlights the subtle contours upon her surface. Shadows play across her form, casting gentle variations—the very essence of vulnerability and resilience. Here, earth dances with spirit, and memory intertwines with imagination.

Across Persephone's torso, intricate details intersect her body. Each impression tells a story—an experience etched into the material. Some bear the roughness of ancient riverbeds, reminiscent of flowing waters now gone by. Others evoke the gentle touch of wind-swept dunes—the undulating curves of time. These impressions are not mere adornments; they are the echoes of existence woven into her spirit.

Persephone stands complete, her form solid and unyielding. Is she emerging from the earth or returning to it? Perhaps she embodies the transient nature of creation—the perpetual becoming. Muse and creator, she invites us to ponder the interplay of light and shadow, memory and absence. In her solidity, she whispers, “Life is a work in progress, and beauty resides in the tangible.”

Persephone beckons us to embrace imperfection, celebrate the spaces between what is and what could be, and find solace in the wisdom of stories once told by the candle's flickering light.

(Handmade original artwork, clay. Kiln fired. Stands on tabletop. The finish gives the appearance of shiny white/gray marble.)

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Automatisch übersetzt
In the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, a city known for its vibrant arts scene and rich cultural history, resides an artist of multiple disciplines. Goodman works in both the written word and the tangible medium.[...]

In the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, a city known for its vibrant arts scene and rich cultural history, resides an artist of multiple disciplines. Goodman works in both the written word and the tangible medium. He is a welder of steel, a worker of clay, and the author of thirteen acclaimed novels. His name is known to many, but his work speaks for itself, transcending the boundaries of traditional art forms and challenging the conventions of creativity. 

His studio, nestled in a bustling neighborhood, is a testament to his diverse skills and interests. Here, amidst the hum of machinery and the scent of molten metal, he welds steel with the imagination of a dreamer. His creations, often large-scale sculptures, are intricate labyrinths of metal that twist and turn, casting mesmerizing shadows and reflecting the world in their polished surfaces. Each piece is a story in itself, a narrative expressed not in words, but in the language of lines, shapes, textures, and steel.

Adjacent to his welding station, he works with clay, molding it into forms that conjure emotions buried within us all. His clay works, much like his steel sculptures, bear the unmistakable mark of a unique style. They are robust yet elegant, their surfaces adorned with smoothness that hint at the beauty of the human form and the artist’s deep respect for the natural world.

Beyond his visual art, he is also a prolific writer, having authored thirteen acclaimed novels. His books, much like his metal sculptures and clay works, are richly detailed and deeply symbolic. They explore themes of transformation and renewal, mirroring his own artistic process of turning raw materials into something new and beautiful. These themes however are the harbinger of the artist's inner pain and hidden demons. A survivor of depression, Goodman pulls his knowledge of true darkness and then splashes it into metal, clay, or canvas.

His home city of Atlanta plays a significant role in his work. The city’s dynamic energy, its blend of old and new, echoes in his art and writing. He draws inspiration from the city’s architecture, its people, and its ever-changing landscape. Yet, his work is not just a reflection of the city, but also a commentary on it, a dialogue with it.

Perhaps what sets this artist apart is his passion for the environment. This passion permeates all aspects of his work, from the materials he chooses to the themes he explores in his novels. He often works with recycled or reclaimed materials, turning what was once discarded into something beautiful and valuable. This transformation is not just physical, but also symbolic, representing the potential for change and renewal.

His work challenges us to see the world differently, to see the potential in the old and discarded, and to appreciate the beauty in transformation and change. His art is not just a product of his skills and imagination, but also a reflection of his values and his vision for a more sustainable and fulfilling world.

Mehr von Nathan Goodman

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