Série Odinokaia "Blizzard" (2023) Photography by Natalia Zakharchenko

Photography, 29.5x19.7 in
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Artwork signed by the artist
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This artwork appears in 14 collections
Blizzard Метель 75×50 Городской, фантастический, абстрактное (геометральный) город, архитектура, Санкт-Петербург, зима, улица, черно-белое фото, настроение, человек, один, дом, метель, фонарь About this artwork: Classification, Techniques[...]

Городской, фантастический, абстрактное (геометральный)
город, архитектура, Санкт-Петербург, зима, улица, черно-белое фото, настроение, человек, один, дом, метель, фонарь

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Artist represented by BestOfRussia
Natalia Zakharchenko is a photographic artist born in Leningrad on March 8, 1969 and now living in Saint Petersburg. Heiress to a line of photographers, her father, Bogdanov Oleg Vladimirovich, worked as a[...]

Natalia Zakharchenko is a photographic artist born in Leningrad on March 8, 1969 and now living in Saint Petersburg. Heiress to a line of photographers, her father, Bogdanov Oleg Vladimirovich, worked as a photographer at the Dostoyevsky Museum, thus passing on to Natalia his passion for this captivating art.

His artistic career quickly distinguished itself, notably through his regular participation in the annual Art Petersburg exhibition. Natalia has gained growing notoriety, receiving the prestigious popular vote twice: in 2013 for her photograph entitled "Ghosts of St Petersburg", then in 2018 for her remarkable work "Man Cat and Bird".

Although her path to black and white photography wasn't immediate, Natalia ultimately found her calling exploring this minimalist palette. Initially attracted to color, she gradually eliminated this element from her compositions, thus seeking a deeper and introspective expression.

For Natalia, photography is much more than just a visual art; it is a way of discovering one's own being, of reflecting one's inner state through external forms. Through her photos, she seeks to capture the very essence of the human soul, often using her friend Marina Trofimova as a model, recognizable by her hat which frequently punctuates her works.

See more from Natalia Zakharchenko

View all artworks
Photography | 15.8x23.6 in
Photography | 19.7x29.5 in
Photography | 15.8x23.6 in
Photography | 29.5x19.7 in


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