"New Zealand" (2021) Pintura por Natalia Toderica

Acrílico en Lienzo, 23,6x23,6 in
887,26 US$
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  • Plazos de tiempo La mayoría de los paquetes se entregan en todo el mundo en un plazo de 1 a 3 semanas. (Estimar)
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Papel de bellas artes, 8x8 in

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33,46 US$
Usage: Licencia web
Uso de la imagen en un sitio web o en Internet.
  1497 px  

1500 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 1497x1500
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Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 2
Unexplored nature and remote corners of the planet beckon with their beauty and wild landscapes. The artist used the author's unique technique to create a landscape with a mountain lake, thereby reminding humanity that we live in a wonderful time when you can see the most remote corners of the planet. But at the same time we are in paradise,[...]
Unexplored nature and remote corners of the planet beckon with their beauty and wild landscapes. The artist used the author's unique technique to create a landscape with a mountain lake, thereby reminding humanity that we live in a wonderful time when you can see the most remote corners of the planet. But at the same time we are in paradise, which we often neglect and use all natural resources without thinking about their restoration.
The artist tries to tell in her paintings about the value of our nature and the importance of the rational use of what we have.

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Traducido automáticamente
Was born on March 22, 1985, in Western Ukraine, Bukovina. Currently live and work in the UK.  Since I discovered the talent of an artist in myself, I have not stopped developing and deepening my[...]

Was born on March 22, 1985, in Western Ukraine, Bukovina. Currently live and work in the UK. 

Since I discovered the talent of an artist in myself, I have not stopped developing and deepening my study of myself.

All my paintings reflect the research and analysis of my inner world through the influence of different sources of information, events and living situations. Thus, there is a transformation of processed impressions and emotions on canvas using acrylic paints in mixed media. The creation of artworks in this way makes it possible to quickly realize the deepest requests that are born in the process of studying oneself as a person. Paintings for me are a source of inspiration and a way to show my connection with the outside world. Each painting or series of paintings is a consciously or unconsciously recreated fragment of the artist's life.

With the help of paintings, I can speak with the whole world, and raise exciting topics of our time.
"You are a small Universe! By developing and improving yourself, you can improve the world around you". - Natalia Toderica


2022 - diploma of the course "Modern Art and Ideas" by MOMA. NEW YORK

2020 – diploma of the course “Contemporary Art from Picasso to Banksy”, Introvert Right Hemisphere Project.
2018 - Kamianets-Podilskyi National University, speciality "Fine Art", Ukraine.
2014 - "City Business School", MBA qualification.
2007 - Chernivtsi National University, Faculty of Economics, qualification "Master of Economics"


10/2022 - "Contemporary Art Fair", Harrogate. UK

05/2022 - "Art as a response to Mental Health", Doncaster Art Fair. UK

04/2022 - "Artists on the rise" by Chalkwell Auctions. UK

05/2022 - Biennale Artbox Expo, Venezia 1.0. Italy

03/2022 - Charity Auction of International Art by Chalkwell Auctions. UK

12/2021 - Luxemburg Art Prize 2021, The Pinacotheque, Luxemburg.

11/2021 - "We are all connected project", Miami, Florida, USA.

09/2021 - "Art in the Garden", Sheffield, UK

08/2021 - ARTBOX/PROJECT ZURICH 3.0, Switzerland.

07/2021 - "Our Changing Life" - Art gallery D31, Doncaster, UK.

06/2021 - Doncaster Art Fair 2021-"Art as a response to mental health 2021", Doncaster, UK. 

04/2021 - D31 Art Prize 2021, Doncaster, UK. 

2020 - Luxemburg Art Prize 2020, The Pinacotheque, Luxemburg.

2020 - participated in the Great Sheffield Art Show, Sheffield, UK.

2015 - the personal exhibition "More than painting", Chernivtsi National Museum, Ukraine.
2015 - International Art Festival "TALANT ENERGY FEST-2", Kyiv, Ukraine.

Some facts about me:

In 2020-2021, I have been created more than 120 paintings.
Artworks are in private collections in the USA, UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Lithuania, and Ukraine.

I am also an NFTs artist, my artworks are presented at the Open Sea.

There is a channel YouTube "Toderica Art", where you can see how I create the paintings.

I am inspired by such world artists as Claude Monet, Frida Kahlo, Jackson Pollock, Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, Ivan Aivazovsky and Ivan Marchuk.

Ver más de Natalia Toderica

Ver todas las obras
Acrílico en Lienzo | 31,5x35,4 in
2.047,52 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 19,7x47,2 in
1.638,02 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 7,9x23,6 in
382,2 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 15,8x15,8 in
546,01 US$


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