winter egg (2012) Картина - Nancy Fruchtman (Taya)

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Продавец Nancy Fruchtman (Taya)

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Продавец Nancy Fruchtman (Taya)

  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акрил на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 39,4in, Ширина 39,4in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Сюрреализм Научная фантастика
Picture 2 of the Phoenix series. The juxtaposition of a magical egg against the landscape of the Middle East in winter. Like a peek into a sugar Easter egg. Winter and new beginnings; the vision of new life. По поводу данного произведения:[...]
Picture 2 of the Phoenix series.
The juxtaposition of a magical egg against the landscape of the Middle East in winter.
Like a peek into a sugar Easter egg.
Winter and new beginnings; the vision of new life.

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Переведено автоматически
My art manifests my vision of a dynamic world of multiple, simultaneous perspectives. As Dr. Dalia Hakker-Orion, curator of my exhibition in Tel Aviv wrote: "She doesn't paint according to instructions[...]

My art manifests my vision of a dynamic world of multiple, simultaneous perspectives. As Dr. Dalia Hakker-Orion, curator of my exhibition in Tel Aviv wrote: "She doesn't paint according to instructions or styles, but evolves at her own pace, creating original paintings manifesting passages connecting different realities."  Each picture goes beyond the obvious, leaving hints of meaning that provide possibilities for personal interpretation. There is more to see than what can be taken in at a glance.

Encaustic (hot wax) paint is the current medium of my choice. Translucent, underlying layers impart radiance and mystery. Within these, other mediums and objects may be embedded. Encaustic layers can be scraped back to reveal substrates or carved into new structures. 

Смотреть ещё Nancy Fruchtman (Taya)

Просмотреть все произведения
Акрил на Холст | 26x25,2 in
1 214 $
Акрил на Холст | 27,6x27,6 in
940 $
Доступные печатные версии
Скульптура на Дерево | 35,4x47,2 in
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Энкаустический на Дерево | 35,4x47,2 in
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