Dmitri Matkovsky Profile Picture

Dmitri Matkovsky

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Artist (Painting, Digital Arts)
Born 1961
Matkovsky Abstract. Meditation on paint. Painting my feelings. The Victory of Life. I'm so blessed to be alive.

Dmitri Matkovsky is Canadian abstractionist, an artist synesthetes*, Abstract Expressionist. He lives and works in Toronto, Ontario.
After retiring early from a 25 years career in rock music with «Auktyon» and other bands he began as a acrylicist and was strongly influenced by Gerhard Richter, who was his first Teacher for the short period of time in 1991.
Style: Abstract Expressionism. Why?
Because of emotions. It’s all at this particular moment. All your life. It’s like a music improvisation. You need to say explain all life in one moment, in one phrase, in one white square…
I love paint and I love colors, and I love white canvas. I like even prepare canvas for painting, I just love to be an artist.
When I’m painting I feel like a marathon runner dying to reach the finish line. I feel like the mountain climber whose single driving goal is to reach the peak. I want to succeed. To win.
I feel liberated when create art. First, because I can escape this reality, and second, because I can produce something that is influence on somebody’s mood or state of mind. And I like it.
His paintings have been sold to offices, shops and private residences in USA, Canada, France, Germany etc. Up until now in 18 countries.

Дмитрий Матковский — художник-синестет. В психологии существует понятие «синестезии», особого способа восприятия действительности, когда информация, полученная определёнными органами чувств, приобретает дополнительное качественное значение. Дмитрий Матковский, в свою очередь, имеет «цветовой слух». Художник воспринимает звуки через цвет, а свои работы называет «музыкой на холсте».

Убедиться в особенности своих ощущений автору выпал шанс довольно рано: его школьная группа, «Мануфактура», стала победителем первого Ленинградского Рок-фестиваля, после чего он 10 лет играл в составе «АукцЫона»

Оказавшись в Канаде в 2001 г. ДМ полностью отдался миру живописи. 10 лет жизни в Сев. Америке оформили его как профессионала в области изобразительного искусства, заставили говорить о нем в мире галерейного бизнеса. За это время Более 240 работ ДМ были куплены частными коллекционерами и музеями Америки, Европы и Японии.

В настоящий момент Дмитрий Матковский продолжает заниматься живописью, 3D анимацией, дизайном, музыкой, йогой, а также публицистическим творчеством.


2021-2022 State Russian museum, St.Petersburg, Russia, "Space of the 21st Century"
"Art Place",Kiev, Ukraine
"Synesthetes" - solo show
Toronto Library Art Center, Toronto, Canada
"Art into Life" - solo show
Mod Club, Toronto, Canada
"NequilaJazzz" - solo show
Khvost Gallery, Paris, France - solo show
OGI Gallery, Kiev, Ukraine
- solo show
Organ Vnutrennih Del, St. Petersburg, Russia - solo show
"Post Soviet Art - Ptiza" C. Karsten Gallery, Hamburg, Germany - solo show
Batusov Art Gallery, Paris, France - “Songs at an Exhibition” solo show

Discover contemporary artworks by Dmitri Matkovsky, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary canadian artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Digital Arts. Account type: Artist , member since 2009 (Country of origin Canada). Buy Dmitri Matkovsky's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Dmitri Matkovsky. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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Editor's Pick

908 artworks by Dmitri Matkovsky (Selection)

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Painting titled "Elevator, Chinese W…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Elevator, Chinese Woman Knocks Out Elevator - Painting, 12.2x29.1 in ©2017 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, elevator, woman, light, colors, abstract, matkovsky
"Elevator, Chinese Woman Knocks Out Elevator"

Acrylic on Canvas | 12.2x29.1 in

Prints available
Painting titled "It's never  too lat…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
It's never too late, Abstract Original painting - Painting, 24x33.9 in ©2017 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, buy abstract, original abstract, abstract painting
"It's never too late, Abstract Original painting"

Acrylic on Paper | 24x33.9 in

Prints available
Digital Arts titled "cubism pomegranates…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
cubism pomegranates, apple, mandarin and grapes - Digital Arts ©2012 by Dmitri Matkovsky - cubism pomegranates, apple, mandarin and grapes
"cubism pomegranates, apple, mandarin and grapes"

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $31.37
Painting titled "T-shape, T-point, T…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
T-shape, T-point, T stuff, T-pot, T-mark, T-chance - Painting, 20x16 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, artwork_cat.Color, acrylic, t shape, t point, t stuff, t pot, t mark, t chance, black, white, orange, original
"T-shape, T-point, T stuff, T-pot, T-mark, T-chance"

Oil on Canvas | 20x16 in

Painting titled "Inside the Wind" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Inside the Wind - Painting, 15x37.5 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, feel, inside, wind, free, leaf, dust, Like, stone, wet, rain, a drop, the water, cloud, acrylic, canvas, painting
"Inside the Wind"

Oil | 15x37.5 in

Painting titled "Great Flood" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Great Flood - Painting, 20x16 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, artwork_cat.Color, Great Flood, Disambiguation, myth, flood, deluge, mythical, religious story, Great, sent by God, deities, destroy civilization, Humanity, Divine retribution, widely known, cultures, modern times, Bible, Quran, Noah's Ark, India
"Great Flood"

Oil on Canvas | 20x16 in

Painting titled "the Wall of Crying" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
the Wall of Crying - Painting, 30x48 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Jewish People, Jerusalem, acrylic, canvas, The Western Wall, The Buraq Wall, Old City, Jerusalem, western side, Temple Mount, ancient wall, Jewish Temple, sacred sites, Judaism, 19 BCE, Herod the Great
"the Wall of Crying"

Oil | 30x48 in

Painting titled "London Bridge or Ea…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork
London Bridge or Earth - view from space - Painting, 48x30 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, London, Bridge, Earth, view from space, space, black, white, acrylic, music, abstract, yellow, cosmos
"London Bridge or Earth - view from space"

Painting | 48x30 in

Painting titled "Leap in Time" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Leap in Time - Painting, 30x47 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Leap, Time, meridian, parallel, mixed medium, black, white, red, fantasy, original, yellow, wind, time machine, space
"Leap in Time"

Oil | 30x47 in

Painting titled "HUGE Abstract, Sury…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
HUGE Abstract, Surya Namaskara 2 Original mixed - Painting, 94.5x122.1 in ©2017 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, multi panel painting
"HUGE Abstract, Surya Namaskara 2 Original mixed"

Acrylic on Canvas | 94.5x122.1 in

Prints available
Painting titled "abstract #265 -Jewi…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
abstract #265 -Jewish Roots - Painting, 33.9x24 in ©2016 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, oroginal abstract, original painting
"abstract #265 -Jewish Roots"

Acrylic on Paper | 33.9x24 in

Prints available
Digital Arts titled "cubism pomegranates…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
cubism pomegranates, apple, mandarin and grapes - Digital Arts ©2012 by Dmitri Matkovsky - cubism pomegranates, apple, mandarin and grapes
"cubism pomegranates, apple, mandarin and grapes"

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Some Sky in the Col…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Some Sky in the Cold Water - Disappearing Urban Landscape - Painting, 16x20 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, City, acrylic, t shape, t point, t stuff, t pot, t mark, t chance, black, white, orange, original, sky, cold water, Disappearing, Urban Landscape, urban
"Some Sky in the Cold Water - Disappearing Urban Landscape"

Oil | 16x20 in

Painting titled "Ice Buddha nearby" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Ice Buddha nearby - Painting, 20x16 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, artwork_cat.Color, acrylic, glacier, buddha, meaning, awakened one, enlightened one, siddhartha, gautama buddha, saint, spiritual master, ancient india, founded, buddhism, 500 bc in most buddhist traditions, he is regarded as the supreme buddha, sammasambuddha, samyaksaṃbud
"Ice Buddha nearby"

Oil on Canvas | 20x16 in

Painting titled "Om, Big Bang!" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Om, Big Bang! - Painting, 30x48 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, acrylic, waves, travel, transfers energy, OM, The Big Bang, the moment, development of universe, major feature, theory, universe, extremely hot, expanded rapidly, Indian, believes, sound OM, Scientists, 13.7 billion years ago
"Om, Big Bang!"

Oil | 30x48 in

Painting titled "Colossus of Rhodes" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Colossus of Rhodes - Painting, 21x30 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Colossus, Rhodes, Colossus of Rhodes, mind, space, black, white, acrylic, music, abstract, yellow, cosmos
"Colossus of Rhodes"

Oil | 21x30 in

Painting titled "Cirque du Soleil, C…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Cirque du Soleil, Circus of Sun - Painting, 33.3x55 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Cirque du Soleil, Circus of the Sun, Cirque, Soleil, Circus, Sun, acrylic, allegro, music, red, abstract, flowers, yellow, cosmos, space, roast, roasted, light, ramp
"Cirque du Soleil, Circus of Sun"

Oil | 33.3x55 in

Painting titled "Meridian and Parall…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Meridian and Parallel - Painting, 29x48 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, meridian, parallel, mixed medium, canvas, black, white, red, fantasy, original, brown, green, yellow, wind
"Meridian and Parallel"

Oil | 29x48 in

Painting titled "The Last Kiss, L'ul…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
The Last Kiss, L'ultimo bacio, Original Abstract - Painting, 11.8x21.7 in ©2017 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, oil protrait, oil painting, oil original, woman, kiss, oral sex
"The Last Kiss, L'ultimo bacio, Original Abstract"

Acrylic on Canvas | 11.8x21.7 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Red on white - flow…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Red on white - flowers in the vase - Painting, 33.5x23.6 in ©2012 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, red, white, flowers, vase
"Red on white - flowers in the vase"

Oil | 33.5x23.6 in

Painting titled "Flushed Away" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Flushed Away - Painting, 11x14 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, flower, shot look, through the porthole, original, acrylic, white, green, rouse, flushed away
"Flushed Away"

Oil | 11x14 in

Painting titled "Another  Glacier" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Another Glacier - Painting, 16x20 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, acrylic, glacier, french, derived, vulgar latin, glacia, latin, ice, is anything but white, huge, advice, like, fill, yourself
"Another Glacier"

Acrylic on Canvas | 16x20 in

Painting titled "Reading near a Glac…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Reading near a Glacier - Painting, 16x20 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, artwork_cat.Color, canvas, acrylic, glacier, from French, derived, Vulgar Latin, glacia, Latin, Ice, is anything but white, is huge, advice, take a book, like, fill, yourself, Liliput.
"Reading near a Glacier"

Oil on Canvas | 16x20 in

Painting titled "Anomaly" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Anomaly - Painting, 16x20 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, black, white, anomaly, earth, view from space, space, acrylic, music, abstract, yellow, cosmos

Acrylic on Canvas | 16x20 in

Painting titled "Nefertiti" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Nefertiti - Painting, 21x30 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, nefertiti, bc, royal, wife, chief consort, egyptian, pharaoh, akhenaten, religious revolution, worship, one god, aten, sun disc, hereditary princess, great of praises, lady of grace, sweet of love, lady of the two lands, main king’s wife, his beloved mery

Oil | 21x30 in

Painting titled "Study After Van Gohg" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Study After Van Gohg - Painting, 16x20 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Figurative, figurative-594, Van Gohg, Cypresses, mixed medium, green, blue, fantasy, original, acrylic, yellow, wheat, Field, landscape
"Study After Van Gohg"

Oil | 16x20 in

Painting titled "Yellow wind" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Yellow wind - Painting, 20x16 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, Yellow wind
"Yellow wind"

Oil | 20x16 in

Painting titled "Polo or Please Chec…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Polo or Please Check Yourself Again, Abstract - Painting, 24x33.9 in ©2017 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, artwork_cat.Color, abstract art, original abstract, original painting
"Polo or Please Check Yourself Again, Abstract"

Acrylic on Paper | 24x33.9 in

Prints available
Painting titled "Two apples, one egg…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Two apples, one egg and onion - Cooking quartet - Painting, 16.5x23.6 in ©2012 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Two apples, one egg and onion - Cooking quartet
"Two apples, one egg and onion - Cooking quartet"

Oil | 16.5x23.6 in

Painting titled "Urban Strategy" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Urban Strategy - Painting, 14x11 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, flower, shot look, through the porthole, original, acrylic, white, green, rouse, Flushed Away
"Urban Strategy"

Oil | 14x11 in

Painting titled "Between Sky- Ground…" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Between Sky- Ground, Ice- Water, Day- Night, Winter- Summer - Painting, 16x20 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, artwork_cat.Color, Between, Sky, Ground, Ice, Water, Day, Night, Winter, Summer, Between Sky and Ground, Ice and Water, Day and Night, Winter and Summer
"Between Sky- Ground, Ice- Water, Day- Night, Winter- Summer"

Oil on Canvas | 16x20 in

Painting titled "Crossing the Rubicon" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Crossing the Rubicon - Painting, 20x16 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, acrylic, canvas, start of Caesar, Civil War, Metaphor, Point of no return, Перейти Рубикoн, выражение, пройти точку, невозвращения
"Crossing the Rubicon"

Oil | 20x16 in

Painting titled "Thoughts on the wood" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Thoughts on the wood - Painting, 16x26 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Purple, Rain, white, earth, space, acrylic, music, abstract, cosmos, canvas, paper
"Thoughts on the wood"

Oil | 16x26 in

Painting titled "Light of Rhodes" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Light of Rhodes - Painting, 30x48 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Colossus, Rhodes, Colossus of Rhodes, space, black, acrylic, music, abstract, yellow, cosmos
"Light of Rhodes"

Oil | 30x48 in

Painting titled "Look East" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Look East - Painting, 63x47 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Expressionism, expressionism-591, east, look, eye, woman, women, beauty, mixed medium, black, white, blue, fantasy, original
"Look East"

Oil | 63x47 in

Painting titled "Green triangle" by Dmitri Matkovsky, Original Artwork, Oil
Green triangle - Painting, 16x20 in ©2011 by Dmitri Matkovsky - Abstract, abstract-570, Yellow
"Green triangle"

Oil | 16x20 in

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