Long-Tailed Tit (2023) Pittura da Monikr

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32,92 USD
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  1240 px  

1500 px
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Acrilico su Tela di lino
  • Dimensioni Altezza 12in, Larghezza 10in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD Iperrealismo Uccello
Long-Tailed Tit 10 x 12" Varnished acrylic on linen cloth Long-tailed tits are frequent visitors to gardens and parks in the United Kingdom, where they are abundant. These small, fluffy birds welcome visitors with their adorable looks and sweet, cheerful songs. The chief identification marks are their round bodies and[...]
Long-Tailed Tit

10 x 12" Varnished acrylic on linen cloth

Long-tailed tits are frequent visitors to gardens and parks in the United Kingdom, where they are abundant. These small, fluffy birds welcome visitors with their adorable looks and sweet, cheerful songs. The chief identification marks are their round bodies and white plumage. They are insectivores who don’t migrate in the winter.
Their range extends across Europe and into Japan and China. They inhabit farmland, heathland, moorland, and wetlands. In recent years, their preferred habitat has become towns and cities, where they often visit hedgerows, suburban gardens, and city parks.

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My name is Monik Robichaud and I am a self taught artist who loves to paint all the animals of the earth. I love them all and will never run out of animals to do in my lifetime. I am also a person diagnosed[...]

My name is Monik Robichaud and I am a self taught artist who loves to paint all the animals of the earth. I love them all and will never run out of animals to do in my lifetime.

I am also a person diagnosed with Parkinsons disease. This makes my work that much more important to me to do.

Your health is everything so take good care of yourself!

I use Acrylic or oil on  loose cloth canvas. 


 Pembroke, Ontario

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