Riflessi - Op.9 (2023) Картина - Michele Giuliani

Продавец Michele Giuliani

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Продавец Michele Giuliani

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32,56 $
130,25 $
271,35 $
Максимальное разрешение: 2261 x 3128 px
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Продавец Michele Giuliani

уникальный экземпляр
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  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акрил на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 31,5in, Ширина 23,6in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Картины до 5 000 $ Экспрессионизм Пейзаж
Painter, Musician, Artist. My innate predisposition for contemplation and spirituality leads me to focus on the hidden meanings of things. On the symbols and rituals that silently envelop our daily lives. Mine is an intuitive painting. I am inspired by the expressionists but I borrow the strength of the sign and color from abstractionism. I mainly[...]
Painter, Musician, Artist. My innate predisposition for contemplation and spirituality leads me to focus on the hidden meanings of things. On the symbols and rituals that silently envelop our daily lives. Mine is an intuitive painting. I am inspired by the expressionists but I borrow the strength of the sign and color from abstractionism. I mainly use acrylic colors for immediacy and versatility. I don't use finishing paints because I love the opacity of the colors which give the artwork a pleasant sense of antiquity but on the other hand I occasionally use sand, plaster and stucco to make the works more material and expressive. The supports I usually work on are canvas, board and paper. I paint, in an intimate and parallel path to my characters and masks, imaginary places. Possible landscapes in which the gaze on nature becomes a pretext for deeper interior contemplation. If through characters and masks I try to decipher the world and space around me, through landscapes I try to reveal the places and non-places hidden in the soul. I outline, by the splashes of colour, the emotions, suggestions and impressions that belong to me most, building a safe bridge from which to observe the feelings that take shape. Nature then becomes a metaphor for inner life and all the elements on which our gaze rests, such as the sky, the earth and the sea, become symbols to decipher and sure traces towards a deeper understanding of oneself. Often enraptured by the creative impulse and guided by intuition and improvisation, I instinctively manipulate the elements of the artwork in form and colour, reducing the subject to its essentiality. Generally using large spatulas and brushes, I give little space to detail, favoring an overall vision and carefully select a few colors with strong tones, working on the work until it becomes stable and significant on both an aesthetic and symbolic level.

Связанные темы

PaintingLandscapeAbstractExpressionismVan Gogh

Переведено автоматически
Painter. Musician. Artist. Michele Giuliani (1976) has been active at various levels in the entertainment and artistic production environment in Italy and abroad since 1995. He lives and works in Bari where[...]

Painter. Musician. Artist. Michele Giuliani (1976) has been active at various levels in the entertainment and artistic production environment in Italy and abroad since 1995. He lives and works in Bari where he writes, paints, produces, composes and permanently exhibits his works at the Uhuru Art Village, a city cultural space and laboratory dedicated to the arts. Although he grew up as a child surrounded by his father's canvases and colours, Giuliani exclusively favored a musical career from his early youth which led him to record original music and perform around the world. As a son of art, he arrived at the visual arts only much later when the creative urgency due to social isolation due to the pandemic required him to break his mold and broaden his creative and professional horizons. A transversal artist, natural heir of expressionism in both music and painting, his poetics is aimed at interpreting those intuitions resulting from meditations and observations of daily life and the space around him.

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Акрил на Холст | 39,4x27,6 in
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Акрил на Холст | 39,4x27,6 in
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Акрил на Холст | 39,4x27,6 in
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Акрил на Холст | 39,4x19,7 in
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