Pink Pelican №2 (2023) Fotografía por Michael Lomiya

Papel de bellas artes, 8x11 in

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33,09 US$
Usage: Licencia web
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  1125 px  

1500 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 1125x1500
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Banco de imágenes de arte
  • Este trabajo es una "edición abierta" Fotografía, Impresión Giclée / Impresión digital
  • Dimensiones Varios tamaños disponibles
  • Varios apoyos disponibles (Papel de bellas artes, Impresión sobre metal, Impresión sobre lienzo)
  • Enmarcado Enmarcado disponible (Marco flotante + bajo vidrio, Marco + bajo vidrio acrílico)
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Categorías Minimalismo Pájaro
This is the second version of my painting “Pink Pelican” In horizontal view. Minimalist painting, Pink Pelican on a black background, soft and contrasting, with excellent detail. Nice colors and composition. This is a photo of me, a stylized wildlife portrait. High resolution, will look very high quality when printed on any materials. I would be happy[...]
This is the second version of my painting “Pink Pelican” In horizontal view. Minimalist painting, Pink Pelican on a black background, soft and contrasting, with excellent detail. Nice colors and composition. This is a photo of me, a stylized wildlife portrait. High resolution, will look very high quality when printed on any materials. I would be happy if you like my photography, check out my other works, maybe you will find something you like. Thank you.

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Beauty is everywhere, just look around you. Misha. 28 years old. Ukrainian of Georgian descent. I am a self-taught artist. I studied the rules of composition, color harmony and contrasts by books, videos,[...]

Beauty is everywhere, just look around you.
Misha. 28 years old. Ukrainian of Georgian descent. I am a self-taught artist. I studied the rules of composition, color harmony and contrasts by books, videos, more than 5 years of practice in creating artistic photography.
I live in Ukraine, now there is a war here. in the frontline city of Kharkov. I try to find something beautiful in the surrounding ugliness. Making pictures is my therapy, my meditation and maybe now my life.
A little bit about my process of creating an image: I go out with my camera to a chosen place. I don't hesitate to get dirty to find a good angle. From hundreds of photos, I select the best ones. I put on some music, most often classical, take my graphics tablet and start the longest and most painstaking stage: turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. I resort to drawing on top of the photo and collage if necessary to realize my idea.
Here I want to share a part of myself with you. I photograph mostly nature, wildlife, landscapes and animals. I am very attentive to the photos I create, working out all the details. I can spend anywhere from a few days to a few weeks on each shoot. All I want to do is produce photos that you will hopefully hang in your home. Thank you to everyone who supports my work, it means a lot to me.

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