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Nove Dvory, Czechia
Artist (Digital Arts, Painting)
Born 1973
Let's go with me to the UpyDemonScrapy

Born 1973 in Moscow

In 1990 graduated from Krasnopresnenskaya art college. 

Build a “Samohodnyi govoryaschii Chernyi Kvadrat” /“Self-Moving Talking Black Square”/ author (together with Mikhail Uhov) of “Cto Eto?” projekt  in “Nikor“ gallery, Moscow. Inventor of "molecula of a beauty", co-author (with M. Uhov and S. Shuripa) of “HURRAHnovyi Proekt“ /“HURANIUM Project“/ Aidan Gallery. Since 2013 lives and work in Czech Republic. Three years of study at the Prague Institute "Scholastica", a regular participant in exhibitions. The secret ruler of the world, the master of balance, the master of gouache, master of drawing, the international center of information, in childhood he was the god Poseidon and he hope that god remain inside, he grew up in USSR in the time of democratisation, Perestroika, Gorbachev. Hip-hop fan in a wide meaning. 

Discover contemporary artworks by Mcniti11, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary czech artists. Artistic domains: Digital Arts, Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2007 (Country of origin Russia). Buy Mcniti11's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Mcniti11. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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