Howl of Terror (2021) Fotografía por Marko Milić

Fotografía, 31,5x47,2 in
1.301,06 US$
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In night alone, darkness surrounds me Morning light, never arrives to me Feeling guilty, purely for existing Why should I, keep persisting Cruel world, full of cruel people that surrounds me Why should loneliness even surprise me A good friend, is worth more than gold Without any, you’ll[...]
In night alone, darkness surrounds me
Morning light, never arrives to me

Feeling guilty, purely for existing
Why should I, keep persisting

Cruel world, full of cruel people that surrounds me
Why should loneliness even surprise me

A good friend, is worth more than gold
Without any, you’ll be cold

My fragile little soul
Broken to the core

Memories remained
Like scars engraved

Maybe God wants me to suffer
To teach me how to be tougher

My feelings are open, for whole world to see
Even if they, will use it against me

– Marko Milić

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AbstractColorFine ArtOriginal StyleOriginal Art

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Marko Milić was born in Nova Gradiška, Croatia in 1998. There, he also finishedhis high school education. Marko's interest in art appeared while working with hisfather, a sculptor. That is when he chose[...]

Marko Milić was born in Nova Gradiška, Croatia in 1998. There, he also finishedhis high school education. Marko's interest in art appeared while working with hisfather, a sculptor. That is when he chose his career path would be an artistic one.Pushing himself into the unknown, he opened a company in 2019, at the age of 20,dedicated to creating a functional sculptures inspired by the love for nature,Logniture. In order of promoting company work and the necessity for high-qualityimages, investment in a quality digital camera was required. Quickly after pickingit up, Marko has shown interest and fell in love with the photographic mediumitself, learned everything about technicalities, and dove into exploring theunknown. He started with product photography, moved on to simple captures ofhis dogs playing, to long-exposure night photography, astrophotography, andmacro photography, which led him to engage in exploring the endless possibilitiesof abstract photography. Marko already counts many publications andinternational exhibitions across the Europe, and some even aboard in capitals ofSouth Korea and Vietnam.

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Fotografía | 31,5x47,2 in
1.301,06 US$
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1.301,06 US$


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