New York. Manhattan. 1939 (1999) Malarstwo autorstwa Mark Kremer

Olej na Płótno, 13,8x17,7 in
672,95 USD
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Ta grafika pojawia się w 1 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca Malarstwo, Olej na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 13,8in, Szerokość 17,7in
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 1 000 USD Figuratywna
Original Artwork 'New York. Manhattan. 1939' by Mark KREMER done in Oil on canvas. Worldwide shipping! Масло, холст. Оригинал. Художник - Марк КРЕМЕР. Mark Kremer's painting "New York. Manhattan. 1939" has a special story of its creation which leads us to the beginning of XX century. In 1939 his Father, Veniamin Kremer[...]
Original Artwork 'New York. Manhattan. 1939' by Mark KREMER done in Oil on canvas. Worldwide shipping! Масло, холст. Оригинал. Художник - Марк КРЕМЕР.
Mark Kremer's painting "New York. Manhattan. 1939" has a special story of its creation which leads us to the beginning of XX century. In 1939 his Father, Veniamin Kremer (1899 – 1978) took part in New York World’s Fair and being the Head Artist chaired the Soviet Union pavilion. New York, its atmosphere and culture left indelible impressions in painters’ heart .Back home Kremer Sr. shared them with Mark together with innumerable number of sketches which he made during his visit to Unites States. Following fathers love for New York Mark has created a series of works about this wonderful city. He managed to reflect and transmit the atmosphere which was wafted by his father`s stories about New York so paintings were done in unique picturesque manner of the beginning of XX century. The dynamic rhythms of this work brings us to the real days of New Your life.

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Artysta reprezentowany przez ArtEgo Gallery
Mark Kremer was born in 1928 in Pushkin, the suburb of Leningrad, presently St.Petersburg. The artist has been a member of the Russian Union of Artists since 1956. He was a Party Secretary of Art Foundation[...]

Mark Kremer was born in 1928 in Pushkin, the suburb of Leningrad, presently St.Petersburg. The artist has been a member of the Russian Union of Artists since 1956. He was a Party Secretary of Art Foundation of USSR. Kremer was a student of such outstanding artists as P. Buchkin, R. Franz, A. Lubimov.
Mark Kremer originally studied in Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry, continuing his education in Vera Mukhina Higher School of Art and Design (presently Saint Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy); at the Department of Sculpture and the Department of Art consequently.
Here is an impressive list of his teachers and tutors: the honoured artist, professor P. Buchkin (1886-1965), professor of art R. Frenz (1888-1956), professor A. Lubimov (1879-1955), who was the best-loved student of I. Repin. The contemporaries of Kremer were such famous painters as Y. Neprintsev, N. Timkov, A. Deineka, A. Laktionov and many others.
Nevertheless, the main and the most important teacher who played a significant role in Kremer’s art background was his father, the outstanding soviet artist Veniamin Kremer (1899-1978). It was very much him who made impact and acquired a taste to art to his son.
In collaboration with Isaak Brodsky, Veniamin Kremer was a father of foundation of the Leningrad department of the Soviet Union of Artists, which was set up in 1932.
The 1939 saw him as a head artist of the USSR Pavilion at the World Exhibition held in New York. Together with his father Kremer took part in the very first exhibition in Brussels, which was held after the Second World War in 1958. They created a monumental composite picture of the Stalingrad Battle, Kremer Jn. contribution to this work were a number of sketches, some art and sculptural works.
It is important to add that Kremers’ art was highly influenced by the social network of his father - the cream of the art society. Among those we remember National artist of RSFSR K. Rozhdestvensky (1906-1997), N. Dormidontov (1898-1962), who was the student of K. Petrov-Vodkin, the Honoured artist of RSFSR N. Kochergin (1897-1974), the National artist of USSR and the twice laureate of Stalinist prize A. Gritsai (1914-1998) and many others.
During the soviet years Mark Kremer created a lot of works accomplishing the request of various USSR enterprises. Among those were the portraits of political figures, numerous murals inside the cultural centres, the sketch followed by a panoramic work which was a part of interior in the mess room of nuclear ship “Soviet Russia”, the monumental historic art work in the Central Auditorium of the Leningrad city (1954).
Mark Kremer has been a member of the Union of Arts since 1956. For a long period of time he has been a Party Secretary of Art Foundation of USSR and being an artist took part in each and every group exhibition ever held. According to the United art rating guide Kremer is conferred with the category 4B.
Nowadays the artist works in various genres: landscape, still-life, portrait and narrative art. The landscapes of his hand are done in keeping with the best traditions of the russian maestro’s of the landscape genre such as Levitan, Plastov, Kuindzhi and Rylov.
The paintings of the artist can be found both in the National Art Gallery of I.Aivazovsky in Feodosia, Crimea, and private collections in Russia, Japan and China.

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