Lying nude on blue (2020) Rysunek autorstwa Margarita Felis

Pastel na Papier, 19,7x25,6 in
747,03 USD
Cena: Darmowa dostawa

Opinie klientów (4)
Wysłano z: Rosja (Rura) Statki w promieniu Trzy dni - Mogą wystąpić dodatkowe opóźnienia ze względu na obecną sytuację w kraju
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
Zwrot zaakceptowany 14 dni Artmajeur jest w 100% zaangażowany w zadowolenie kolekcjonerów: masz 14 dni na zwrot oryginalnego dzieła. Praca musi zostać zwrócona artyście w idealnym stanie, w oryginalnym opakowaniu. Wszystkie kwalifikujące się przedmioty mogą zostać zwrócone (chyba że zaznaczono inaczej).
Kup wydruk

Ten wydruk jest dostępny w kilku rozmiarach.

27,05 USD
46,52 USD
100,61 USD
Opinie klientów Doskonały
Artyści otrzymują wynagrodzenie za każdą sprzedaż

Sprzedawca Margarita Felis

Licencjonowanie cyfrowe

Ten obraz jest dostępny do pobrania z licencją

32,45 USD
129,82 USD
270,45 USD
Rozdzielczość maksymalna: 3430 x 2670 px
Pobierz natychmiast po zakupie
Artyści otrzymują wynagrodzenie za każdą sprzedaż

Sprzedawca Margarita Felis

Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
Ta grafika pojawia się w 1 kolekcjach
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Rysunek, Pastel na Papier
  • Wymiary Wysokość 19,7in, Szerokość 25,6in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Rysunki poniżej 1 000 USD Figuratywna Akt
The work was painted from a living model The style of my paintings could be called "tending to postmodernism”, because I use lines, decorative shapes, interpreted and stylized objects , trying to find some conventional, only my own reality. Colors for me are extremely important, I try them to carry emotions and philosophy. Also I[...]
The work was painted from a living model

The style of my paintings could be called "tending to postmodernism”, because I use lines, decorative shapes, interpreted and stylized objects , trying to find some conventional, only my own reality. Colors for me are extremely important, I try them to carry emotions and philosophy. Also I often explore capability of the modern paints and materials.

In my paintings I may give only a hint to contemporariety or even not to do it at all, trying to make them to look generalized and "out of time”, because I try to invent kind of another reality, where the characters live their own emotional spiritual life.

Powiązane tematy

Female NudeBeautyWoman

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
I am graduated from the Academy of fine arts named after Repin in Saint Petersburg in 2013 as a painter, my diploma was dedicated to Paul Gauguin. While still in the Academy I understood that I want to[...]

I am graduated from the Academy of fine arts named after Repin in Saint Petersburg in 2013 as a painter, my diploma was dedicated to Paul Gauguin.

While still in the Academy I understood that I want to mix figurative drawing with contemporary art and that I belong to the postmodernist’s system of painting. Colors are very important to me and contain philosophy and meanings. I like to compose big pictures, although I work in other genres too. Sometimes I put into the picture some message but sometimes not. If I do, it can be somehow connected with context of my life but may not either. It occurs that my inner eye shows me some idea and for me it means that I should represent it even if it seems strange for me. So I do. Once I decided that I must go after my inner voice.

If I currently don’t know what to do, I paint small works like nudes or portraits or still lifes and landscapes. In any way I experiment in them too and search some methods for myself.

I work a lot so my works may look diverse. They belong to current periods. Sometimes I work at any topic , then I can go to another. I like to invent series and to make it.
I experiment with methods and technics too.

But two stable things in my art are shapes and colors. Often it connected with humans just because I like to draw them but it can be animals or any objects too.

My main direction is decorative art. So mostly I prefer acrylic technic. But I can work in any. If I invent some series or a project , I like to elaborate the style for it a bit specific. I can use glitters and metallic paints or potal. It depends on the topic and the mesaage of it. For me the style is something that contains emotion and information itself.

I like to see how the inner pictures from my mind embody to some material paintings. I experiment with colors and methods and style and technic, always trying to find some new ways.

Some time ago I also began to sculpt and going to do it more. So I can call myself not only a painter

Zobacz więcej od Margarita Felis

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Rzeźba - Glina | 2,4x10,6 in
1 409,09 USD
Akryl na Papier | 11,4x8,3 in
173,24 USD
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857,37 USD
Akryl na Płótno | 37,4x31,5 in
857,37 USD


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