Ganesha Eyes (2024) Художественная композиция - Márcio Pereira Ribeiro

Художественная композиция, 1,6x1,6 in
437,65 $
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Продавец Márcio Pereira Ribeiro
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Сертификат подлинности включен
  • Подлинное произведение искусства Художественная композиция, Ювелирные изделия / Аксессуары
  • Размеры Высота 1,6in, Ширина 1,6in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Категории Designs до 500 $ Символизм Эзотеризм
This handcrafted pendant is a 4 cm diameter piece designed to assist with personal transformation and spiritual growth. The item invites the wearer to follow their intuition and connect with their archetypal energy through the use of runes, numerology, zodiac signs, and chakras. Each element is carefully chosen to reflect various aspects of life, such[...]
This handcrafted pendant is a 4 cm diameter piece designed to assist with personal transformation and spiritual growth. The item invites the wearer to follow their intuition and connect with their archetypal energy through the use of runes, numerology, zodiac signs, and chakras. Each element is carefully chosen to reflect various aspects of life, such as leadership, creativity, communication, and protection. The pendant integrates Norse runes, geomancy symbols, and energetic associations with specific chakras, offering deep insights into one’s spiritual path and personality. Crafted with orgonite, a mixture of metals and crystals encased in resin, this pendant serves as a tool to attract and magnify positive energy, promoting harmony and balance.

Accompanied by care instructions, it emphasizes avoiding moisture and sweat exposure while maintaining the piece’s spiritual integrity. This unique piece is both an aesthetic accessory and a potent metaphysical aid.

From the Runes chart, Choose the first rune that calls to you;

These numbers and archetypes offer a deep insight into the different personalities and spiritual paths people can follow, reflecting various aspects of life and personal development.

These runes reflect aspects of the energies of the chakras and associated archetypes, creating a symbolic bridge between Norse, numerological, and energetic traditions.

2 NUMEROLOGY Nº 1: The Leader, The Initiator, The Magician, the Executive.
Characteristics: Self-confidence, independence, ambition, creativity.
3 ARCHETYPE: The Magician, the Pioneer, the Leader.
This number is associated with the power to start new projects, innovation, and leadership.
5 ZODIAC SIGNS:Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Explanation: These Fire signs are associated with power, confidence, and self-expression, reflecting the solar plexus chakra’s role as the center of personal power, will, and identity.
6 CHAKRA: Solar Plexus (Manipura): The Leader, The Executive (Number 1, 8)
Chakra Energy: The Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of personal power, confidence, and self-determination. The Leader and Executive archetypes align with this chakra, representing ambition, willpower, and the ability to take decisive action.

1 RUNES: Ansuz, Mannaz, Ehwaz, Laguz, Kenaz (MEANING IN THE END OF DISCRIPTION)
2 NUMEROLOGY Nº 2: The Diplomat, The Peacemaker
Characteristics: Cooperation, sensitivity, empathy, balance.
3 ARCHETYPE: The Communicator, the Diplomat, the Artist, The Mediator, the Diplomat. Represents harmony, teamwork, and the search for balanced partnerships.
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Gemini, Virgo
Explanation: Gemini, the communicator, and Virgo, focused on expression and clarity, resonate with the throat chakra’s energy of communication, truth, and self-expression.
6 CHAKRA: Throat (Vishuddha): The Communicator, The Diplomat (Number 2, 3)
Chakra Energy: The Throat Chakra is the center of communication, expression, and truth. The Communicator and Diplomat archetypes are expressed here through clarity in speech, effective negotiation, and creative verbal expression.

1 RUNES: Laguz, Berkano, Kenaz, Ansuz, Mannaz, Ehwaz (MEANING IN THE END OF DISCRIPTION)
2 NUMEROLOGY Nº 3: The Communicator, The Artist
Characteristics: Expressiveness, creativity, optimism, sociability.
3 ARCHETYPE: The Artist, the Communicator, The Diplomat. It is linked to creative expression, whether in art, communication, or social relationships.
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
Explanation: These Water signs resonate with emotions, creativity, and sensuality, aligning with the sacral chakra's focus on desire, pleasure, and creative energy.
Explanation: Gemini, the communicator, and Virgo, focused on expression and clarity, resonate with the throat chakra’s energy of communication, truth, and self-expression.
6 CHAKRA: Sacral (Svadhisthana)
Chakra Energy: The Sacral Chakra governs creativity, emotions, and relationships. The Artist and Communicator archetypes resonate here, as this energy center fuels artistic expression, passion, and emotional connections.
6 Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): The Communicator, (Number 2, 3)
Chakra Energy: The Throat Chakra is the center of communication, expression, and truth. The Communicator and Diplomat archetypes are expressed here through clarity in speech, effective negotiation, and creative verbal expression.

2 NUMEROLOGY 4: The Builder, The Organizer
3 ARCHETYPE: The Builder, the Organizer. This number is associated with order, building solid structures, and perseverance.
4 GEOMANCY: Fortuna Major, Acquisitio, Carcer.(MEANING IN THE END OF DISCRIPTION)
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Explanation: These Earth signs are connected with stability, grounding, and material security, reflecting the fundamental qualities of the root chakra, which governs survival and basic needs.
Characteristics: Discipline, stability, practicality, responsibility.
6 CHAKRA: Root Chakra (Muladhara): The Builder, The Protector (Number 4, 6)
Chakra Energy: The Root Chakra is associated with survival, stability, and security. The Builder and Protector archetypes connect to this energy through grounding, practicality, and the need to establish safety and a solid foundation.

2 NUMEROLOGY 5: The Adventurer, The Liberator
Characteristics: Freedom, versatility, curiosity, adaptability.
3 ARCHETYPE: The Liberator, The Traveler, the Adventurer. Represents the desire for change, exploration, and a dynamic approach to life.
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
Explanation: These Water signs resonate with emotions, creativity, and sensuality, aligning with the sacral chakra's focus on desire, pleasure, and creative energy.
6 CHAKRA: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):
The throat chakra governs communication, expression, and adaptability, aligning strongly with the qualities of the number 5, such as freedom of speech, curiosity, and the urge to explore different ideas and perspectives.
6 CHAKRA: Sacral (Svadhisthana):
The sacral chakra is linked to creativity, pleasure, and adaptability, reflecting the adventurous and dynamic nature of the number 5. The desire for change, new experiences, and the pursuit of pleasure are key themes here.

2 NUMEROLOGY 6: The Healer, The Protector
Characteristics: Responsibility, care, service, family harmony.
3 ARCHETYPE: The Protector, the Healer the Humanitarian. This number symbolizes family, unconditional love, and the desire to care for others.
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Libra, Taurus
Explanation: Libra, associated with balance and relationships, and Taurus, linked to love and comfort, align with the heart chakra, which governs compassion, love, and emotional harmony.
6 CHAKRA: Heart (Anahata): The Healer, The Humanitarian (Number 6, 9): The Heart Chakra is associated with love, compassion, and empathy. The Healer and Humanitarian archetypes connect with this chakra, focusing on caring for others, service, and unconditional love.

1 RUNES: Perthro, Isa, Dagaz.
2 NUMEROLOGY 7: The Mystic, The Philosopher, the Seer
3 ARCHETYPE: The Hermetist, the Philosopher. Represents the seeker of spiritual and hidden knowledge, someone looking for deep answers to life’s questions. Characteristics: Introspection, spirituality, wisdom, analysis.
4 GEOMANCY:Cauda Draconis, Tristitia, Acquisitio.
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Aquarius, Sagittarius
Explanation: Aquarius, linked to vision and insight, and Sagittarius, focused on higher knowledge and wisdom, correspond with the third eye chakra, which governs intuition and spiritual insight.
6 CHAKRA: Third Eye (Ajna): The Mystic, The Philosopher (Number 7)
Chakra Energy: The Third Eye Chakra governs intuition, insight, and spiritual wisdom. The Mystic and Philosopher archetypes align with this chakra, focusing on inner vision, deep reflection, and the search for higher truths.

1 RUNES: Sowilo, Tiwaz, Raidho.
2 NUMEROLOGY 8: The Executive, The Powerful One, The Leader, the Magician,
Characteristics: Ambition, material success, power, authority.
3 ARCHETYPE: The Executive, the Strategist. This number is associated with the world of business, power, and the ability to achieve material success and status.
4 GEOMANCY: Puer, Conjuctio, Fortuna Minor
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Explanation: These Fire signs are associated with power, confidence, and self-expression, reflecting the solar plexus chakra’s role as the center of personal power, will, and identity.
6 Chakra: Solar Plexus (Manipura): The Leader, The Executive (Number 1, 8)
Chakra Energy: The Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of personal power, confidence, and self-determination. The Leader and Executive archetypes align with this chakra, representing ambition, willpower, and the ability to take decisive action.

2 NUMEROLOGY 9: The Humanitarian, The Sage,
Characteristics: Altruism, compassion, service to humanity, idealism.
3 ARCHETYPE: The Healer, the Protector, The Sage, the Humanitarian, The Spiritual Master;
Represents altruism, the desire to serve, and the ability to see the bigger picture.
4 GEOMANCY: Via, Laetitia, Populus, Caput Draconis, Carcer, Laetitia. (MEANING IN THE END OF DISCRIPTION)
5 ZODIAC SIGNS: Libra, Taurus, Pisces, Aquarius
Explanation: Pisces, associated with spiritual connection and unity, and Aquarius, focused on enlightenment and universal consciousness, align with the crown chakra’s role in connecting with the divine and higher states of consciousness.
Explanation: Libra, associated with balance and relationships, and Taurus, linked to love and comfort, align with the heart chakra, which governs compassion, love, and emotional harmony.

6 CHAKRA: Heart (Anahata): The Healer, The Humanitarian (Number 6, 9)
Chakra Energy: The Heart Chakra is associated with love, compassion, and empathy. The Healer and Humanitarian archetypes connect with this chakra, focusing on caring for others, service, and unconditional love.
6 CHAKRA: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): The Sage, The Spiritual Master (Number 9, 11)
Archetypes: The Sage, the Humanitarian, the Spiritual Master.
6 Chakra Energy: The Crown Chakra is associated with enlightenment, spiritual connection, and unity consciousness. The Sage and Spiritual Master archetypes resonate with this chakra as they embody wisdom, universal understanding, and a deep connection with the divine.

In addition to these primary numbers, there are the master numbers (11, 22, 33), which carry special characteristics:
- 11: Elevated intuition, enlightenment, spiritual mastery.
- 22: Material achievement, turning dreams into reality, the architect.
- 33: Altruistic service, master healer, universal compassion.
Переведено автоматически
His artistic journey has always been intertwined with a deep connection to ancient spirituality and contemporary expression. From an early age, he developed a heightened sensitivity to the mysteries of nature[...]

His artistic journey has always been intertwined with a deep connection to ancient spirituality and contemporary expression. From an early age, he developed a heightened sensitivity to the mysteries of nature and a fascination with symbols that transcend time. This search for meaning led him to explore the intersection of art, mysticism, and science, resulting in works that carry both the energy of the earth and the geometry of the cosmos. His path as an artist is marked by a profound alignment with esoteric practices and hidden wisdom, elements that permeate each piece he creates. He soon departed from conventional frameworks to embrace an intuitive and experimental approach. This journey led him to develop a unique aesthetic, where translucent resins, crystals, wood, and other natural elements are combined to form objects of power—true amulets of transformation and healing. His work is a synthesis of the harmony found in sacred geometric forms and the organic flow of nature. Inspired by sacred geometry, he seeks to materialize subtle frequencies into tangible forms. His exhibitions and installations are designed as immersive spiritual experiences. Over the course of his career, he has participated in festivals and shows at venues renowned for attracting audiences attuned to esotericism and visionary art. His works have been exhibited in spaces dedicated to well-being and spirituality, often being acquired by collectors who view them not just as decorative objects but as tools for meditation and personal transformation. Beyond his artistic practice, he also serves as a mentor and facilitator, offering workshops that teach art as a channel for energetic transmutation and spiritual awakening. His sessions integrate practices of alchemy, the conscious use of natural elements, and the creation of symbolic objects based on sacred geometry. His legacy lies in his ability to translate universal truths into works that resonate on subtle levels. His creations are an invitation for each viewer to connect with invisible dimensions and, through art, rediscover the balance between body, mind, and spirit. In every piece, a cosmic narrative is crystallized—a journey of reconnection with the sacred, where art becomes a portal for expanding consciousness and integrating universal energies.  

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