Spectral Sway - JALAL TOUFIC'S RADICAL CLOSURE (2021) Arte digital por Manar Ali Hassan

Arte digital, 13,8x9,8 in
748 US$
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Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 1
Not to be confused with the fantasy world of Alice in Wonderland, in his book Over-Sensitivity (1996), Jalal Toufic invites us to explore spaces that are radically disconnected from their surroundings but, as a result, directly connected to a radical elsewhere: Radical Closures. Thus, Toufic triggers in us the curiosity to, among other things, detect[...]
Not to be confused with the fantasy world of Alice in Wonderland, in his book Over-Sensitivity (1996), Jalal Toufic invites us to explore spaces that are radically disconnected from their surroundings but, as a result, directly connected to a radical elsewhere: Radical Closures. Thus, Toufic triggers in us the curiosity to, among other things, detect ostensibly nonexistent borders, and to experience the sudden irruption of unworldly, ahistorical fully-formed entities.

Inspired by the surrealistic paintings of Magritte, Miro, and the collage work of Ernst and Schwitters, I turned to my computer and attempted to digitally represent my current understanding of Toufic’s Radical Closure. Hoping that entities may irrupt out of my control out of nowhere or a radical elsewhere, I found myself preparing to gamble everything by setting the structure of radical closure that would make it possible for such entities to irrupt in my file and on the screen.
In the end, my aim wasn’t to reach a final solution to the picture puzzles; my aim was to keep it as an intractable mystery.

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Artista representado por Arneli Art Gallery
Manar Ali Hassan is an emerging artist from Beirut, Lebanon. She obtained her master’s degree in Visual Arts in 2019. Her ongoing work revolves around reshaping identities in the shadow of an unescapable painful[...]

Manar Ali Hassan is an emerging artist from Beirut, Lebanon. She obtained her master’s degree in Visual Arts in 2019. Her ongoing work revolves around reshaping identities in the shadow of an unescapable painful body. Her work was exhibited at ArtLab gallery, Lebanon in 2019 and at STOA collective, Dublin in 2020.

Ode to Beirut is a visceral reaction to the Beirut blast that took place on August 4, 2020. It queries the notion of collapsing space and time into one image. The analogue of the unescapable event is reshuffled as a trapped succession of distortions, where the figures representing a painful body are dissolving into several fields and breaking up, hinting at the devastated city. The semi-transparent background is an ellipsis that reveals nothing, yet suggests the possibility of seeing other realms. All the while taking into consideration the emotional states that could be conveyed by not rendering the event as we see it, but as we experience it emotionally, hoping to find in these isolated caged figures empowering forms to contemplate.

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Arte digital | 13,8x9,8 in
748 US$
Arte digital | 13,8x9,8 in
748 US$
Arte digital | 13,8x9,8 in
748 US$
Arte digital | 13,8x9,8 in
748 US$


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