Sapi(e)ns (2023) Printmaking by Marcelle Delacité

Printmaking on Paper, 8.3x8.3 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Marcelle Delacité

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Pratique inclusive des vanités du savoir, de la science, des artefacts ; et vice-versa. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Ink A strongly[...]
Pratique inclusive des vanités du savoir, de la science, des artefacts ; et vice-versa.

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Marcelle Delacité, a multidisciplinary artist, stands out as a painter of contemporary history(s), a being of astonishing artistic proteiformity. She considers painting as an assembly of colors in a certain[...]

Marcelle Delacité, a multidisciplinary artist, stands out as a painter of contemporary history(s), a being of astonishing artistic proteiformity. She considers painting as an assembly of colors in a certain disorder, a founding idea that underlies all her artistic work.

Marcelle Delacité has always defined herself as a painter. However, her talent does not stop there, as she also excels in the art of photography. In addition, her audacity pushes her to explore even broader horizons, with installations and performances that reflect her assumed multidisciplinarity.

His passion for colors and images leads him to juggle with pixels as much as with paint. The mastery of both mediums allows him to create works of incredible visual richness. With a master's degree in visual arts obtained in 1991 from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Marcelle Delacité was able to benefit from the teachings of great artists such as Michel Journiac (body art), Côme Mosta Heirt (sculpture, minimalism and conceptual art) and Michel Salzmann (screenprint).

For a decade, Marcelle Delacité ran a plastic arts workshop and supervised young children. She has participated in exhibitions in Paris and at the Châteauroux museum, where her work has been successfully received. His art has even been represented in a Parisian gallery, testimony to the recognition of art critics, including Francis Parent.

Over time, her artistic journey has led her to explore different paths. She acquired a bachelor's degree in graphic design in 2007 and embarked on researching animal images. Skillfully using digital tools, she experimented from design to print.

Recently, Marcelle Delacité returned to her first passion, painting, thanks to enriching associative experiences. She makes preparatory digital drawings (digital drawing) for her paintings, but also stickers (street art and dataism).

Marcelle Delacité's art, between colors, pixels and shapes, illustrates a unique artistic vision where creativity spreads its wings in a harmonious fusion of mediums and styles.

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