Mindfields (2022) 绘画 由 Łukasz Olek


卖家 Łukasz Olek

Ready to hang, sides painted in black, doesn’t require framing. Signed on back (top right corner - „Łukasz Olek, „Mindfields”, 2022). Brass plate on the side. Blinkered - having or showing a narrow or limited outlook Blinkered is a section of the world seen through a photographic lens and translated into the language of abstract painting[...]
Ready to hang, sides painted in black, doesn’t require framing. Signed on back (top right corner - „Łukasz Olek, „Mindfields”, 2022). Brass plate on the side.

Blinkered - having or showing a narrow or limited outlook Blinkered is a section of the world seen through a photographic lens and translated into the language of abstract painting by the painter Łukasz Olek. The photographic way of presenting, based on compositional sharpness and precision and accompanied with painterly spontaneity, is an original record of reality that balances at the interface of painting and photography. The presented works are landscapes. The heterogeneous, but at the same time distinctive scrap of space has been narrowed down to just a few pixels, and then magnified to a large-format image. The figurative is therefore reduced to its basic and most crucial formal essence. Painting, unlike photography, gives viewers the opportunity to observe the creative process, which intentionally initiates a form of dialogue. Here, we can see large-format canvases painted over several or dozen times, with wide strips of cool and intense colours with rough and ragged edges. The alternate use of glaze and impasto reveals the following layers of the image going as far deep as its foundation. The great care with which paints have been applied to obtain spatial elements in the texture of the background brings from the works inhomogeneous, albeit intense light, which further emphasizes their vibrating colouristics. However, these subtle dissolving forms are often violently overlapped with aggressive visual effects, such as the application of a thick layer of paint with a knife, wiping or gouging. Application of these technical measures allows the viewers to engage in aesthetic vivisection of the work and invites them to inspect the hidden details on the surface. It has the effect of dualistic perception where large-format images draw the attention as close to the detail as possible. The craftmanship follows the power of careful observation. The artist extracts selected elements from a scrap of reality and subjects them to deconstruction by playing with basic formal values such as size, colour or structure. The resulting works entice the viewer with their aesthetics and induce a state of visual contemplation.


TsrArttsrArt TsrLukasz OlekLukasz

Lukasz Olek 是当代波兰画家。他曾在多家广告公司担任应用平面设计师、插画家、创意和艺术总监超过 15 年。 Olek 主要创作深色、大幅面的抽象画和狂暴的肖像。受弗朗西斯·培根、马克·罗斯科和卢西安·弗洛伊德作品的启发,他经常在作品中使用非常规的材料和技术,专注于对纹理和色彩的研究。 [...]

Lukasz Olek 是当代波兰画家。他曾在多家广告公司担任应用平面设计师、插画家、创意和艺术总监超过 15 年。 Olek 主要创作深色、大幅面的抽象画和狂暴的肖像。受弗朗西斯·培根、马克·罗斯科和卢西安·弗洛伊德作品的启发,他经常在作品中使用非常规的材料和技术,专注于对纹理和色彩的研究。

Lukasz Olek 于 1982 年出生于波兰。他的作品在全国展出。

查看更多的Łukasz Olek

丙烯在帆布上 | 39.4x47.2 in
丙烯在亚麻帆布上 | 39.4x27.6 in
丙烯在亚麻帆布上 | 28.7x23.6 in
丙烯在亚麻帆布上 | 70.9x51.2 in

