Silver Moonglade (2023) Pintura por Ludmila Gorbunova


Ver más de Ludmila Gorbunova

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Vendedor Ludmila Gorbunova

Papel de bellas artes, 8x8 in

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32,62 US$
Usage: Licencia web
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  1264 px  

1280 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 1264x1280
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Banco de imágenes de arte
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Oleo en Madera
  • Dimensiones Altura 5,9in, Anchura 5,9in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 500 US$ Impresionismo Marina
I do believe that the vicinity to the sea has a huge healing effect to any modern urban dweller. The serene and tranquil rocky shore rugged and textured, a couple of boats moored in the bay, bustling seagulls flying over the water - all this scene illuminated by shimmering silver light of the moon invites the viewer to take a pause from his problems[...]
I do believe that the vicinity to the sea has a huge healing effect to any modern urban dweller. The serene and tranquil rocky shore rugged and textured, a couple of boats moored in the bay, bustling seagulls flying over the water - all this scene illuminated by shimmering silver light of the moon invites the viewer to take a pause from his problems and savor the moment of peacefulness and relax.

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Ludmila Gorbunova is a contemporary Artist from St-Petersburg, Russia.  She creates in rather impressionism style which in some cases verges on expressionism and abstract art. Her favorite artistic medium is[...]

Ludmila Gorbunova is a contemporary Artist from St-Petersburg, Russia.  She creates in rather impressionism style which in some cases verges on expressionism and abstract art. Her favorite artistic medium is the oil painting as there is no other fine art technique capable to offer so wide potential for self-expression.Ludmila's artworks are driven by the desire to display atmosphere and emotions of a moment and a place. Through artistic images she conveys feelings that are often inexpressible by plain words. Her creativity is inspired by personal experiences, feelings from within, memories and impressions from the ever-changing environment around us - in charming cityscapes of native city, in magical beauty of natural landscapes, in delicate flavor of flowers in bloom, in restless run of waves, in intricate tricks of light, in unlimited flights of imagination.  Each piece of art she creates has its own stance and presence, with its own individuality and recognition.

Ver más de Ludmila Gorbunova

Ver todas las obras
Oleo en Lienzo | 15,8x15,8 in
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