Chaos Antinomique N°2 (2023) Sculpture by Lucart

Sculpture - Stainless Steel, 10.2x6.3 in
Price: Free Shipping

Seller Lucart
Customer's reviews (2)
Shipping from: France (Box or cardboard packaging)
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Seller Lucart

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
J'ai trouvé l'expression adéquate aux préoccupations contemporaine à travers un support 3D : la sculpture Confusion dans mon cerveau, changement de siècle, effusion du désordre, champs de ruine avant une ère nouvelle. La guerre en Ukraine, l'usine Azovstal et l'envie de travailler l'acier. Le bois mort don de la nature autour[...]
J'ai trouvé l'expression adéquate aux préoccupations contemporaine à travers un support 3D : la sculpture Confusion dans mon cerveau, changement de siècle, effusion du désordre, champs de ruine avant une ère nouvelle. La guerre en Ukraine, l'usine Azovstal et l'envie de travailler l'acier. Le bois mort don de la nature autour de ma campagne et cette contradiction avec l'acier industriel, le taylorisme, les flux économique et logistique. La problématique de l'écologie et le chaos qui en découle sur notre terre. Opposition et à la fois incrustation des médiums pour formé un antagonisme criant.

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Luc Martin, a contemporary French artist, has spent 15 years honing his craft as a self-taught painter, delving primarily into the realm of lyrical abstraction. His artistic journey[...]

Luc Martin, a contemporary French artist, has spent 15 years honing his craft as a self-taught painter, delving primarily into the realm of lyrical abstraction. His artistic journey unfolds across various surface supports, employing a diverse array of materials such as polymer-based mediums, spray paint, and pure pigment. Martin's exploration of manipulating materials on different supports is a continual voyage, marked by an ever-evolving artistic process.

For Martin, art transcends a mere aesthetic pursuit; it serves as a powerful political approach and a constant interrogation of our evolving society. His paintings, crafted over years of self-discovery and experimentation, become a visual language through which he engages with contemporary concerns, offering a reflective commentary on the ever-changing dynamics of the world.

After years of immersion in the painter's palette, Luc Martin discovered a new avenue for expressing the complexities of contemporary issues - sculpture. The transition from two-dimensional canvases to three-dimensional supports marked a significant evolution in his artistic expression. Through sculpture, Martin found a heightened dimensionality that allowed him to articulate his concerns in a more tangible and immersive form.

Luc Martin's artistic journey is a testament to his dynamic engagement with the artistic process. From his early years as a self-taught painter in lyrical abstraction to the transformative shift towards sculpture, Martin's work reflects a commitment to exploring the intersection of art and societal inquiry. Through his unique blend of mediums and materials, he invites viewers to join him on a visual and tactile exploration of the multifaceted layers of contemporary existence.

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