Classy (2023) Arte digital por Lorraine Lyn

Papel de bellas artes, 8x8 in
  • Este trabajo es una "edición abierta" Arte digital, Impresión Giclée / Impresión digital en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Varios tamaños disponibles
  • Varios apoyos disponibles (Papel de bellas artes, Impresión sobre metal, Impresión sobre lienzo)
  • Enmarcado Enmarcado disponible (Marco flotante + bajo vidrio, Marco + bajo vidrio acrílico)
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Imagen generada por IA El artista creó esta imagen utilizando tecnología de inteligencia artificial.
  • Categorías Artes digitales menos de 5.000 US$ Surrealismo La vida cotidiana
When a woman wanna impress by class, yet she is an easy one.. Being classy involves displaying elegance, poise, and good manners in social situations. It means having respect for oneself and others and treating everyone with kindness and consideration. A classy person is confident, well-spoken, and carries themselves with grace, leaving a positive[...]
When a woman wanna impress by class, yet she is an easy one..
Being classy involves displaying elegance, poise, and good manners in social situations. It means having respect for oneself and others and treating everyone with kindness and consideration. A classy person is confident, well-spoken, and carries themselves with grace, leaving a positive impression on those around them.

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At the end of 2014 I have started to write poetry, again, something that I used to do in my younger years, and in 2016 I've self published my first poetry volume called “I’m Trapped” and having the second[...]

At the end of 2014 I have started to write poetry, again, something that I used to do in my younger years, and in 2016 I've self published my first poetry volume called “I’m Trapped” and having the second poetry volume in progress.

I have always admired art in any form, from paintings, sculptures, architecture to the modern-day installations, and had this urge to create. Discovering Digital Art last year, helped me expand expressing my emotions, in a way that words cannot. Mainly of my artworks are representing different states of mind, character and emotions of the human being. I believe that art has the ability to change the way we see and think about the world. It can challenge our beliefs and perceptions, and open us up to new ways of thinking, helping to better understand the meaning of life.

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Arte digital | Varios tamaños
Arte digital | Varios tamaños
Arte digital | Varios tamaños
Arte digital | Varios tamaños


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