Le Bateau corbeille de fruits (1980) Painting by Fred L'Experimentateur

Watercolor on Paper, 11.8x9.5 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork is framed
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Créée lorsque j'avais 12 ans la classe non ? j'adore !!! Peinture à l'eau sur Canson Je vais m'y remettre (pas au Canson lol) j'en ai marre de créer des trucs "droits" mais chut.... BON DÉLIRE Art Abstrait 23/30cm encadré e sous verre
Créée lorsque j'avais 12 ans la classe non ? j'adore !!!
Peinture à l'eau sur Canson
Je vais m'y remettre (pas au Canson lol) j'en ai marre de créer des trucs "droits" mais chut....

Art Abstrait 23/30cm encadré e sous verre

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Abstract Art

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Fred L'Experimentateur is a French painter and photographer who started painting at the age of 11. However, after discovering masters such as Picasso, Kandinsky and Vasarely, he was discouraged and gave up[...]

Fred L'Experimentateur is a French painter and photographer who started painting at the age of 11. However, after discovering masters such as Picasso, Kandinsky and Vasarely, he was discouraged and gave up painting. It was only 33 years later, out of necessity, that he resumed his brushes.

Today, Fred L'Experimentateur tries to paint ideas and concepts with as few brushstrokes as possible, "revisiting" masterpieces in the 2.0 way. He avoids doing what has already been done and creates works born of vital necessity. He brings out what is in him, his soul. For him, abstract art means painting what you are, rather than what you see. His paintings are real works of art that must be appreciated in their real size, with bright colors and intense sensations.

Fred L'Experimentateur lives and works in Vallauris, France. His goal is to bring people into his paintings, to share his work, to sell it and above all to provide pleasure, happiness, comfort and energy through his art.

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On Request
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