rdfgsj56ef56sa / "All that remains after you" - {$M} (2020) Collages by Leni Smoragdova

Collages on Other substrate, 35.4x39.4 in
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Seller Leni Smoragdova

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Seller Leni Smoragdova

Artwork signed by the artist
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rdfgsj56ef56sa / all that remains after you - {$M} Limited Edition of 10 from Leni Smoragdova. When I started creating this series, I thought about what a person would leave behind. His personal history. Scientists find in Egypt burial of ancient pharaohs, or rock art. And what will a modern man leave? A page in Facebook,[...]
rdfgsj56ef56sa / all that remains after you - {$M}

Limited Edition of 10 from Leni Smoragdova.

When I started creating this series, I thought about what a person would leave behind. His personal history. Scientists find in Egypt burial of ancient pharaohs, or rock art. And what will a modern man leave? A page in Facebook, clothes, kettle, computer, leftover food? Will it have value? Most likely no. Because everything becomes obsolete too quickly. In this regard, the ancient pharaohs were more fortunate, they left the story in things.

Original created 2020.

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Transaction ArtSmoragdova ArtFine ArtFigurativeContemporary

Leni Smoragdova is a highly creative photographer and artist. She is the originator of the Transaction Art concepts. Initially, she coined the slogan: "We are children of war; war is money; money has no[...]

Leni Smoragdova is a highly creative photographer and artist. She is the originator of the Transaction Art concepts. Initially, she coined the slogan: "We are children of war; war is money; money has no face; it is as simple as Transaction; we are children of Transaction; we are children with hidden faces."

TransactionArt was born in London; she met a Muse, the Muse of Transaction Art, and she began concealing the faces of the people in her art, dubbed "hidden faces." At the time, the "Figures Collection" was released.

Leni Smoragdova currently resides and works in Israel. She earned degrees from Smolensk State University in Russia and Central Saint Martins in the United Kingdom (London). From 2010 to 2012, she worked as an artist for Madonna's show. She has exhibited her work internationally and is represented by Hay Hills Gallery in London and the Shchukin Gallery in New York.

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Pencil on Paper | 6.7x6.7 in
Photography | 39.4x59.1 in
Marker on Paper | 8.3x11.4 in
Photography | 39.4x59.1 in


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