Acrylic structure painting In the air. Abstract lanscape (2021) Painting by Kseniya Redina

Acrylic on Canvas, 27.6x19.7 in
$1,365.26   $1,144.17
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Seller KRsArtGallery

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Panel
  • Limited Edition (#1/1) Painting, Acrylic / Plaster on Canvas
  • Number of copies available 1
  • Dimensions Height 27.6in, Width 19.7in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Nature
Taking diffuse reflection as a basis, I depicted the leaves of trees in different states in the sun and conveyed this phenomenon in bright autumn colors. The painting shows a tree with red leaves on a hill in the mountains. We see how the wind scatters and carries away the bright leaves from the tree everywhere.
Taking diffuse reflection as a basis, I depicted the leaves of trees in different states in the sun and conveyed this phenomenon in bright autumn colors. The painting shows a tree with red leaves on a hill in the mountains. We see how the wind scatters and carries away the bright leaves from the tree everywhere.

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Artist represented by KRsArtGallery
Ksenia Redina was born in Vyatka (now the Kirov region), Russia. This region is known for its colorful handmade clay toys from Dymkovo village, the Dymkovskaya toys.  Ksenia studied studio art at the[...]

Ksenia Redina was born in Vyatka (now the Kirov region), Russia. This region is known for its colorful handmade clay toys from Dymkovo village, the Dymkovskaya toys. 

Ksenia studied studio art at the School of the Art, in Russia in 90s, and was fond of making photographs for about last 15 years working in the office of a big American pharmaceutical company in Russia, Moscow Representative office. 

In emigration in 2018 the artist finished many digital courses and seriously pursued a career in the digital direction. But after moving to Swiss Alps which inspired her so much that she took the acrylic colours and putty to her hand and created her first paintings in 2021.  In several months the artist received a suggestion from one Italian gallery to make an agreement and participated in her first group exhibition in 2021. This was a key point.

Ksenia studied art in studio Illusion in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain in 2021. 

In 2022 Ksenia finished the Art and Heritage Management course at Bocconi University, Italy and started her carrier as curator, promoting artists and making art reviews to their art.

In 2023 Ksenia organized 2 online exhibitions and 1 physical exhibition in Switzerland of her gallery. 

The artist is engaged in researching the essence of objects, phenomena, and conditions in her art, applying an innovative approach, using new techniques in painting and mixing them with modern materials and classical plots or drawing style, one with the other or all together. Artworks of the artist has a high rating by the art critics, art managers and jury. They were featured in collections and received prizes and awards.

Since October 2022 the artist is a member of Kunsthaus Interlaken, Switzerland. 

Since January 2023 the artist became a collector by buying Andy Warhol print in auction.  

See more from Kseniya Redina

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