Lotus flowers on the surface of the lake (2023) Malarstwo autorstwa Ksenia Selianko

Papier artystyczny, 11x8 in

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33,00 USD
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  1090 px  

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Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akwarela na Papier
  • Wymiary Wysokość 8,9in, Szerokość 6,5in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 500 USD Impresjonizm Kwiat
"Lotus flowers on the surface of the lake" Original watercolor painting by artist Ksenia Selianko Delicate lotus blossoms, a unique moment. Paper size: 16.5 х 22.5 cm Unframed Professional watercolor paints, oil pastel, high quality watercolor paper 2023 This painting is a single[...]
"Lotus flowers on the surface of the lake"
Original watercolor painting by artist Ksenia Selianko

Delicate lotus blossoms, a unique moment.

Paper size: 16.5 х 22.5 cm
Professional watercolor paints, oil pastel, high quality watercolor paper

This painting is a single copy of my unique and original handiwork.
Signed and dated on a back and a front.
The painting is carefully packed in solid packaging, cardboard and cellophane.

If you have any further questions about this artwork, just send me a message. I will answer as soon as possible!

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
I am a watercolor artist from Kyiv. Through my works I strive to tell about the beautiful world around me, to share with others what I feel and love. Watercolor is mobile and unpredictable, it fascinates[...]

I am a watercolor artist from Kyiv. Through my works I strive to tell about the beautiful world around me, to share with others what I feel and love.
Watercolor is mobile and unpredictable, it fascinates me to give it freedom on the sheet and let it be my co-author. The brightness and transparency of watercolors are well suited for conveying emotions and feelings, which is why I chose this material. In my art I strive to find a balance between depicting recognizable forms and abstraction, between soft shimmers of free fillings and bright thick accents. Painting sounds like music to me, and in each watercolor study I want to convey the melody of the moment.

Flowers and plants inspire me a lot. They change every moment: a new flower blooms, the shade of the petals becomes different.... They are so delicate, fragile and yet full of strength and life. I love to observe and reflect this marvelous life in my paintings. Painting a blossoming flower, it is as if I am catching a moment of eternity on my sheet.

I also had an architectural education, maybe that's why I like to draw cities, buildings and architectural details.I was a friend of Royal Talens brand and represented them as an artist at the exhibition "World of Stationery" in Kiev. In 2017-19 I hold master classes in Ukraine and teach in art studios.

My watercolor paintings have found their way into various private collections around the world, from USA to UK, Israel, France and other countries.

Zobacz więcej od Ksenia Selianko

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