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32,37 $
129,47 $
269,73 $
Maximale Auflösung: 2724 x 3356 px
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Verkäufer Kloska Ovidiu

  • Original-Kunstwerk Malerei, Acryl auf Leinwand
  • Masse Höhe 31,5in, Breite 25,6in
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 5.000 $ Abstrakte Kunst
from the series " Kafkian eternity with flowers at 7 pm " Eternity signed 26 September 2017 acrylic painting on cardboard / edges are painted dark painting size: 65 x 80 cm signed and dated at the front and back side Kafkian eternity with flowers at 7 pm series : " This series of artworks[...]
from the series " Kafkian eternity with flowers at 7 pm "
Eternity signed 26 September 2017
acrylic painting on cardboard / edges are painted dark
painting size: 65 x 80 cm
signed and dated at the front and back side

Kafkian eternity with flowers at 7 pm series :

" This series of artworks refers to the metaphysical approach to space populated by a pot with flowers, a near seen like a section of a personal
temporal eternity, where the vegetative elements are transfigured into the metaphysical, transcendent .Thus, at the limit figuration, the immanents of the light becames oniric reflections and transparents, the flower shape became sphere, within which persist the traces of the pass, of the wear, the cyclicity. The series title, although apparently suggestive, is not refering to the absurdity and anguish prosaic present in Kafka's universe, but rather its starts from the idea of freezing of the personal physical time, by a simple meditative exercise of pure contemplation of the close realities transformed by the passing of time.
For me, as an artist, the still life is a perfect excuse to create a vibrant game between the idea of the volatility and the perennial of the world
that we perceive around us, and the essence of the human spirit: the conscience.
My "flowers" are subtle expressions of a meta-reality, where the viewer is invited to meditation, to exercise his spirit, to discover that energy, that forsure we all have it inside us, that resonates with the silence of the begining of begining. "
Ovidiu Kloska
Certificate of Authenticity:
Every artwork is sent with authenticity certificate that contain details about artwork, my original signature and the name of the collector on it.

Verwandte Themen

Ovidiu KloskaOneiric ArtLightFlowersEternity

Automatisch übersetzt
Kloska Ovidiu ist eine zeitgenössische rumänische Künstlerin. Seine Bildsprache bezieht sich auf Träume, Bewusstlosigkeit, Delirium, Halluzinationen, auf die Veränderung von Form[...]

Kloska Ovidiu ist eine zeitgenössische rumänische Künstlerin. Seine Bildsprache bezieht sich auf Träume, Bewusstlosigkeit, Delirium, Halluzinationen, auf die Veränderung von Form und Licht, auf das Spontane, Trugbild, Skurrile, Abnormale und Normale.

Ovidiu arbeitet mit verschiedenen Medien, darunter Malerei, Fotografie und Skulptur. Seine dramatischen Acrylbilder auf Leinwand erinnern an großartige Künstler wie John Martin und JMW Turner. Seine Eisenskulpturen hingegen sind abstrakte, industrielle Arbeiten, die er den Stilrichtungen Brutalismus und Dekonstruktivismus zuordnet.

Kloska Ovidiu wurde 1977 in Rumänien geboren, wo er seinen Abschluss an der Universität der Künste machte. Mitglied der rumänischen Vereinigung professioneller Künstler UAP.

Mehr von Kloska Ovidiu

Alle Kunstwerke sehen
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Auf Anfrage
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Skulptur - Metalle | 19,7x17,7 in
2.342,92 $
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912,3 $


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