Merlet's Wall of Sand (2019) Design da Kb The Sandman


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Venditore Kb The Sandman

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32,60 USD
130,39 USD
271,65 USD
Risoluzione massima: 6685 x 4457 px
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Venditore Kb The Sandman

  • Opera d'arte originale Design, Mobili / apparecchio
  • Dimensioni Altezza 86,6in, Larghezza 110,2in
  • Condizioni dell'opera d'arte L'opera d'arte è in perfette condizioni
  • Categorie Designs a partire da 20.000 USD Pop Art Geometrico
Sand art wall made for the Michelin rated restaurant of the Merlet Hotel in Schoorl, Netherlands. The customer wanted a separation between kitchen and restaurant which allows the view into the kitchen but eliminates the kitchen noise. The middle part is a moving sand art, which when turned around takes hours to create a new sand landscape.[...]
Sand art wall made for the Michelin rated restaurant of the Merlet Hotel in Schoorl, Netherlands.
The customer wanted a separation between kitchen and restaurant which allows the view into the kitchen but eliminates the kitchen noise.
The middle part is a moving sand art, which when turned around takes hours to create a new sand landscape. The top and bottom part are static sand dunes for which I used the same sands as in the moving artwork, just filled them into a glass container. The frame is made of steel.
All ready made to install, fixing a few screws left and right into the wall.

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Moving Sand ArtRelaxing ArtTailor MadeGoldEmerald

Tradotto automaticamente
KB The Sandman      Austrian artist / kinetic pop art / Sandman since 1988 / numerous exhibitions worldwide: Europe, Japan, USA, China, Australia, Middle East / creates standard designs for KB collection[...]

KB The Sandman 

    Austrian artist / kinetic pop art / Sandman since 1988 / numerous exhibitions worldwide: Europe, Japan, USA, China, Australia, Middle East / creates standard designs for KB collection / single copy artworks, massive size installations, limited editions for private collectors, hotels, cliniques/contract works for Louis Vuitton and other brands/works for royal families and governments / 5 - 8 assistants permanently working for him / works in Lustenau, Austria.

Sandman‘s comment:
   "Art should be accessible and understandable for everybody. Like Andy Warhol copied his best designs, I do the same. That‘s part of the pop art culture.

    The sand in my pictures tells stories and stimulates the fantasy and imagination of the onlooker. Watching the floating movements exhilarates and relaxes at the same time. The watcher becomes the artist by interacting with and moving my works. It is much more than just one single picture".

Vedere più a proposito di Kb The Sandman

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