46-54 (2023) Pintura por Kate Shi

Oleo en Lienzo, 39,4x39,4 in
1.976,19 US$
Precio: Envío gratis

Vendedor Kate Shi
Enviado desde: Bielorrusia (Embalaje de caja o cartón) Se envía dentro de 2 días - Pueden aplicarse retrasos adicionales debido a la situación actual en el país
Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días
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Devoluciones gratis
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Devoluciones gratis: Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días.
Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Esta obra aparece en las colecciones 2
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Oleo / Acrílico en Lienzo
  • Dimensiones Altura 39,4in, Anchura 39,4in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$ Abstracto Naturaleza
Plastic straws make up 0.03% of all ocean trash, but make up 99% of media coverage about them. At the same time, 46% are fishing gear, but no one talks about them. The canvas depicts the percentage distribution between all plastic in the ocean and fishing gear. The author invites us to think about how commercial fishing is presented to[...]
Plastic straws make up 0.03% of all ocean trash, but make up 99% of media coverage about them. At the same time, 46% are fishing gear, but no one talks about them. The canvas depicts the percentage distribution between all plastic in the ocean and fishing gear.

The author invites us to think about how commercial fishing is presented to us and what it looks like in reality. What consequences this brings to the ocean and life on our planet. How can this be changed?

For a more in-depth study of the topic, follow the QR code.

Temas relacionados

GradientColorfulThoughtful MoodCalm MoodFishing

Traducido automáticamente
   My name is Kate Shi. I was born in Mogilev, Belarus. I graduated from Architecture and Art school in 2010, where I had studied for 7 years. Then I got higher education in sociology. There was a break in[...]

   My name is Kate Shi. I was born in Mogilev, Belarus. I graduated from Architecture and Art school in 2010, where I had studied for 7 years. Then I got higher education in sociology. There was a break in artistic practice, but I found the courage to return to art in 2018. Now I live in Minsk, Belarus.

   Currently I am working on the topic of interaction between man and nature in various environments. I give preference to a conceptual approach and abstract style. I believe that people have moved away from nature and do not feel their existence on the planet, so I am developing an eco-direction of work to attract public attention to these issues. In my projects, by the means of conceptual art, I make the viewer familiar with the existence of the unique world and its diversity.

I aim to:

• cultivate love for nature;

• warm up the viewer's interest in the world around them;

• increase public awareness of environmental issues;

• enrich a person’s inner world through new knowledge.

The interaction between human and nature is the theme of my artistic search.

Ver más de Kate Shi

Ver todas las obras
Oleo en Lienzo | 39,4x39,4 in
1.976,19 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 59,1x43,3 in
2.529,74 US$
Oleo en Lienzo | 47,2x47,2 in
2.861,87 US$
Acrílico en Lienzo | 43,3x59,1 in
2.529,74 US$


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