Bear Osh. Mascot - Painting (2023) Malerei von Karolina Ingo (Karolina Navi -Ingo)


Verkäufer Karolina Ingo (Karolina Navi -Ingo)

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Verkäufer Karolina Ingo (Karolina Navi -Ingo)

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42,19 $
129,82 $
270,45 $
Maximale Auflösung: 1415 x 1746 px
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Verkäufer Karolina Ingo (Karolina Navi -Ingo)

  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Acryl auf Leinen Leinwand
  • Masse Höhe 11,8in, Breite 9,5in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Werk ist in sehr gutem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 5.000 $ Spirituelle Kunst Esoterik
Bear Osh. Picture - Talisman. Bear Osh is the mythological king of the Lower World in shamanism. Any image of it brings the highest protection and patronage to its owner, brings good luck, prosperity and reveals deep inner forces. This picture-talisman was made by an artist - a shamanist, in whose family there are shamanic roots[...]
Bear Osh. Picture - Talisman.
Bear Osh is the mythological king of the Lower World in shamanism.
Any image of it brings the highest protection and patronage to its owner, brings good luck, prosperity and reveals deep inner forces.
This picture-talisman was made by an artist - a shamanist, in whose family there are shamanic roots from the Far East. That is why it needs to be said. After all, this kind of symbols and talismans require respect and caution. And therefore, given the origin and energy of the author, any buyer must remember that this picture must be treated with due respect and understand what exactly it can carry.
My paintings are deeply connected with my visions and shamanic worldview. That is why they have a certain energy impact. So please remember this and show due respect.

Медведь Ош. Картина - Талисман.
Медведь Ош - это мифологический царь Нижнего Мира в шаманизме.
Любое его изображение несёт высшую защиту и покровительство своему владельцу, приносит удачу, благополучие и раскрывает глубинные внутренние силы.
Это картина- талисман выполнена художницей - шаманисткой, в роду у которой есть шаманские корни с Дальнего Востока. А потому требуется это обязательно сказать. Ведь подобного рода символы и талисманы требуют уважения и осторожности. А потому, учитывая происхождение и энергетику автора, любой покупатель должен помнить, что к этой картине надо относиться с должным уважением и понимать что именно она может нести.
Мои картины глубоко связаны с моими видениями и шаманским мировосприятием. А потому они имеют определённое энергетичаское воздействие. Так что прошу помнить об этом и проявить должное уважение.

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Automatisch übersetzt
Karolina Ingo/writer and artist.   Karolina Ingo is an esoteric author, a specialist in the field of higher occultism and shamanism, a supporter of paleocontact, an astrologer and a free philosopher.

Karolina Ingo/writer and artist.  

Karolina Ingo is an esoteric author, a specialist in the field of higher occultism and shamanism, a supporter of paleocontact, an astrologer and a free philosopher.
In addition, she is an adherent of Eastern shamanism and Taoist shamanism in particular.
However, along with the creation of books in the field of esotericism, she is primarily a storyteller and mystic.
Karolina Ingo is the author and creator of Gothic legends and fairy tales for adults, in which a mysterious philosophical meaning is hidden.
She creates her books in an original manner, a mixture of occult philosophy, which is presented against the backdrop of a fantastic fairy tale.
Thus, all the author’s books seem to be on an invisible line between dream and reality.
The main theme of his work is occult philosophy, as well as mystical fantasy and Gothic legends.
Karolina Ingo is also an artist and creator of mystical installations and paintings with fantasy and mystical images.
She creates books and creates illustrations.
Illustrations and paintings are created by hand.
This is not computer graphics, but a unique live performance that has soul and living energy, like the work of every real artist.
At one time she studied at several art colleges. However, life turned out in such a way that she was forced to leave art education and devote herself to the field of social and philosophical sciences for many years. And only after some time she returned to creative activity, which really brings her real joy.
As an artist, she is largely self-taught, despite having an art education, and therefore her style is completely original and individual.
Being a born psychic and an adept of Western and Eastern shamanism, she has a rare and unique worldview.
Carolina Ingo creates her paintings as special mystical images and talismans. These paintings are created based on ancient symbols and archetypes, based on mystical folklore and ancient legends. However, behind these paintings is the artist’s own vision.
After all, the author creates all his paintings on the basis of dreams, visions, ancient signs and mystical perception of the world.
Therefore, for everyone who comes into contact with her work, all these paintings have a special meaning and a special impact.
These are pictures-signs and these are pictures-talismans.
She creates her paintings as illustrations. These are unique works in which she herself determines the plot, which she does long and carefully.
All the author’s works are filled with a special mystical meaning.
This can be said about the author’s books and paintings.
This is a special mystical world, unique and fabulous. This is a mysterious world that reveals Light even in the most impenetrable Darkness...

Mehr von Karolina Ingo (Karolina Navi -Ingo)

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