img-20161225-155039-1.jpg (2016) Painting by Karel Stoop

Oil on Canvas, 78.7x78.7 in
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Seller Karel Stoop

Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 78.7in, Width 78.7in
  • Categories Paintings under $20,000 Abstract
oil / canvas About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional[...]
oil / canvas

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“When I paint, having obtained the right attitude and inspiration on the right moment, the act of painting converts in a state of being.” Karel Stoop has been born (1951) in the south[...]

“When I paint, having obtained the right attitude and inspiration on the right moment, the act of painting converts in a state of being.”

Karel Stoop has been born (1951) in the south of  The Netherlands in a numerous artistic family, which made that he was introduced to painting already at a very young age. He had an academic art education in The Netherlands  and studied multimedia at the university in Barcelona.  He made plenty of journeys to Asia, Middle East, North Africa, USA and all over Europe. He lived periods in Amsterdam, Ibiza and Barcelona and made exhibitions all over. His works can be found in private collections and some museums.  Actually he lives and works in Manresa, Barcelona (Spain) and has his professional residence in Oosterhout in The Netherlands.

Karel has developed his own experimental process to create each unique piece, utilizing oils, pigments and industrial tools. He produces a melody of color, line and ombre tones. Karel’s artworks have been exhibited internationally and acquired by public and private collectors.  His main inspiration is the universe and the awareness of being alive. 

“I consider myself as a traveler and observer, expressing my reality and relation with the universe through painting.”

See more from Karel Stoop

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Oil on Canvas | 43.3x59.1 in
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Oil on Canvas | 78.7x78.7 in


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