Untitled (2015) Arte digital por Jose Resco

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Certificado de autenticidad incluido
  • Obra de arte original Arte digital,
  • Dimensiones Altura 18,5in, Anchura 27,6in
Acerca de esta obra de arte: Clasificación, Técnicas & Estilos Técnica Arte digital El arte digital se refiere a un[...]
My proposal is to exalt the essentials through loose, dynamic, strokes where the shape is released from control, allowing each artwork to be absolutely unique and unrepeatable, where changing is the constant.[...]

My proposal is to exalt the essentials through loose, dynamic, strokes where the shape is released from control, allowing each artwork to be absolutely unique and unrepeatable, where changing is the constant. To use the human factor or nature to an extreme level, synthesizing the form at its finest expression, emphasizing strongly what is suggested, where simplicity and the virtual are key attributes to propose a work with an identity of my own, create an idea, an image, process it and filter it through thought, turning it into something with soul and bringing it to a completely essential level, developing it under a contemporary visual movement completely restless, full of color, freshness, where I try to sensitize the viewer's gaze.

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Arte digital
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Arte digital
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