"Fauna Taurina" (2021) Painting by Jose Luis Santamaria Campos

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 23.6x23.6 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 8 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 23.6in, Width 23.6in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract
Work made on 3D canvas “Saqsaywaman”, from saqsay, full or satisfied, and waman, falcon, that is, "satisfied falcon" is an Inca ceremonial temple located near the city of Cuzco, Peru. Made with carved and stacked stones, some of which weigh more than 80 tons at 3,093 meters above sea level. From where you can see the Tullumayu River, which[...]
Work made on 3D canvas “Saqsaywaman”, from saqsay, full or satisfied, and waman, falcon, that is, "satisfied falcon" is an Inca ceremonial temple located near the city of Cuzco, Peru. Made with carved and stacked stones, some of which weigh more than 80 tons at 3,093 meters above sea level. From where you can see the Tullumayu River, which the Incas used to bring water to the fortress reservoir through canals that they themselves built. Within Saqsayhuamán there were large warehouses of food and weapons, and also canals for the distribution of water.

Obra realizada en lienzo 3D “Saqsaywaman”, de saqsay, lleno o satisfecho, y waman, halcón, es decir, "halcón satisfecho" es un templo ceremonial inca enclavado en las cercanías de la ciudad de Cuzco, Perú. Realizada con piedras talladas y apiladas, las cuales algunas de ellas pesan más de 80 toneladas a 3.093 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Desde donde se aprecia el río Tullumayu el cual utilizaron los incas para llevar agua al reservorio de la fortaleza por medio de canales que ellos mismos construyeron. Dentro de Saqsayhuamán había grandes almacenes de alimentos y armas, y también canales para la distribución del agua.

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Jose Luis Santamaria Campos is a contemporary Spanish painter. Having graduated from the Panamerican School of Art in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he encountered a period where he had[...]

Jose Luis Santamaria Campos is a contemporary Spanish painter. Having graduated from the Panamerican School of Art in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he encountered a period where he had to balance his artistic aspirations with a simultaneous career in creative direction across various advertising companies for several years.

Throughout his artistic journey, he seized opportunities to showcase his creations in diverse settings, participating in solo and group exhibitions across countries such as Argentina, Peru, and his homeland, Spain. A notable highlight in his exhibition history was the Contemporary Art Fair in Seville, Spain, in 2003.

Today, Santamaria boasts a collection of over 60 works that have garnered international acclaim, utilizing a variety of techniques, with a particular focus on oil and watercolor. His artistic style leans towards Impressionism, but he also explores themes of Indigenism, occasionally intersecting with the realm of Abstract art. Describing himself proves challenging for the artist, as he prefers viewers to form their own conclusions about his work. For Santamaria, art is a means of bringing his soul to the canvas, where he plays with colors to breathe life into a creation that becomes, in essence, a reflection of the artist himself.

See more from Jose Luis Santamaria Campos

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Oil on Wood | 11.8x14.2 in
Acrylic on Wood | 23.6x23.6 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 24.4x31.5 in
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