Lease 絵画 by Gregor Pratneker

作品「 The Cry For Spring 」 Gregor Pratnekerが購入オプション付きでリースします

Gregor Pratnekerの絵画は購入オプション付きでリース可能です

「The cry for spring」というタイトルの絵画 Gregor Pratnekerによって, オリジナルのアートワーク, オイル
The cry for spring (2021)
絵画 Gregor Pratneker によって - 15.4x20.1 in


* これは単なる示唆的なシミュレーションです。契約上の提案は、お客様の裏付け書類を検討し、当社の財務パートナーによるファイルの検証後にお客様に送信されます。

リースに関する資料請求 "The Cry For Spring"

お問い合わせ, 融資の専門家が 24 時間以内にご連絡いたします:


What are the advantages of leasing works of art?

  • Financial Flexibility: You can enjoy exceptional, high-value works of art without a large initial investment.
  • Tax Benefits: Receive potential tax benefits as rents can be deducted as a business expense.

How are the prices of monthly payments for leasing works of art set?

  • The costs depend on the value of the work, the duration of the leasing contract, and any services included such as installation.

Can we buy the work after the leasing period?

  • Yes, on Artmajeur leasing contracts offer a purchase option at the end of the contract, allowing customers to acquire the work at a determined price (residual value).

How are the safety and insurance of works managed?

  • Insurance during the duration of the rental contract is the responsibility of the customer. It is therefore important to check the details of your insurance contract to be sure that your leased works are covered in the event of damage.

What are the conditions for terminating the leasing contract before its end?

  • Unless there are specific conditions, leasing contracts for works of art commit the client to payment of the entire price of the work; payments are therefore due until the end of the lease.


The cry for spring (2021)
絵画 Gregor Pratneker によって - 15.4x20.1 in
「The cry for spring」というタイトルの絵画 Gregor Pratnekerによって, オリジナルのアートワーク, オイル


Pratneker (1973) was born in Maribor, Slovenia, where he currently lives and works. In 2006, he graduated with the thesis on Maribor city landscapes throught history, including his own series of cityscapes.[...]

Pratneker (1973) was born in Maribor, Slovenia, where he currently lives and works. In 2006, he graduated with the thesis on Maribor city landscapes throught history, including his own series of cityscapes. Soon after this, he also started to paint landscape motifs plein air or in the studio. In 2012, he received an MA at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana.
He participates in numerous group and solo exhibitions at home and abroad.
In October 2014, 2017, 2018 and 2019 he participated with his paintings in the legendary annual juried art exhibitions, Autumn Salon, Paris, France.
In February 2015, 2018, 2019 and 2020 he participated with paintings in the other very important legendary annual juried art exhibitions Salon of the French artist in Grand palace, Paris, France. In 2020 he got the award »Mention«.
In December 2018 and 2019 he participated in Salon Beaux Art in Louvre. In 2019 he got the "Prix Eugène Boudin" for landscape painting.

“My paintings are landscapes that twist and turn and are tossed about and split apart.
Sometimes they merge into sky or water, or disappear off the edge of a cliff. Flooding is
a regular occurrence. I view the painting process as a portal to my inner world, a response to
environmental and global events; it has evolved out of a deep fascination with the metaphor
of landscape and the extensive possibilities of oil paint. By moving the paint over and around a
surface, weather and geological processes become agents of change, acting on landforms that
are repositories of memory and accumulated experience. I meander through a landscape versus
describing it, and capture not a moment but a process – forms, elements and events, moving
and changing over time.”


»Mention«, Salon Artistes Francais, Paris, France, 2020.

"Prix Eugène Boudin", Salon des Beaux Arts, Paris, France, 2019.

"Prix d'excellence de peinture abstrate du salon 2018", Salon d'Arts Plastiques, La Rochelle, France, 2018.

"Dlum award", Salon Rotovž, Maribor, Slovenia, 2013.

»May Salon 2013 first price", Gallery Sonnet Hall, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2013.

»Grand prix International Italia«, Salon Specchi, Messina, Italy, 2009.

Gregor Pratnekerからもっと見る

キャンバスのオイル | 33.5x47.2 in
キャンバスのオイル | 17.3x19.7 in
キャンバスのオイル | 39.4x78.7 in
キャンバスのオイル | 59.1x78.7 in

