"Boats at the black sea"(Bulgaria) (1962) Malerei von Iulia Hălăucescu


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Dieses Kunstwerk ist gerahmt
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Aquarell auf Papier
  • Masse 27,6x39,4 in
    Abmessungen des Werks allein, ohne Rahmung: Höhe 19,7in, Breite 27,6in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist gerahmt (Rahmen verglast)
  • Kategorien Gemälde unter 20.000 $ Expressionismus Boot
Watercolor painting - 1962 Artwork condition: 9.5/10 Frame condition: 9/10 Original artwork by Iulia Halaucescu Über dieses Kunstwerk: Einstufung, Techniken & Stile [...]
Watercolor painting - 1962

Artwork condition: 9.5/10
Frame condition: 9/10
Original artwork by Iulia Halaucescu

Verwandte Themen

Iulia HalaucescuHalaucescuRomanian Art

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Künstler von TothemArt vertreten
Born on the 31st of March 1924 in Tarcau within the Neamț Mountains she has been passionate about art since childhood. She played theater, recited poems, wrote scripts and was fascinated by gypsy dances. Nevermore,[...]

Born on the 31st of March 1924 in Tarcau within the Neamț Mountains she has been passionate about art since childhood. She played theater, recited poems, wrote scripts and was fascinated by gypsy dances. Nevermore, she has been selected the class painter for her botanical and anatomical drawings.

During this period, she encounters her teacher Lupu-Chesloi who introduces her to the watercolour techniques, uncovering the enigma of colour and water. This prompts her to be the winner of a competition organized by “Children’s Universe” as well as many other scholar competitions.


In the year of 1943, during the middle of WW2 her life reaches a crossway as she enrolls in the courses of the University of Bucharest where she takes up philosophy as a major. At this time, her artistic career seems to stagnate. However, something she did not yet know was that the universe was merely paving her pathway toward finding her true topos. Within an auto-biography, Iulia states that her study of philosophy has prompted her to better organize her thoughts, reaching essences, as she further confesses that she did not plan on pursuing a career in philosophy, but on organizing her ideas coherently. She takes up private lessons with Schweitzer-Cumpană whom, through guidance and advice imprints the force of colour and form unto the young artist.

In 1948, at the same time with the educational reform she definitively parts ways with her philosophical career and painting devoutly embraces her. She marries Lucius Petronius Hălăucescu, her confident in matter of art, the soul of many of her exhibitions, a Theo Van Gogh. At the debut of their romantic love story, Iulia would communicate through images. It is a suite of watercolour in a vibrant sentimentalism, which would be unequaled in her artistic endeavours, but which marks, beyond its lyrical undertext, her artistic debut with the watercolour technique, a technique for which the artist writes chapter of her own. During this period, the artist gravitates between the techniques of oil and watercolour and at the same, it is the the start of a period of timid but more and more pregnant artistic incursions. As she returns to Piatra Neamț, Iulia shifts her gaze upon the city of Iași, the city where Ștefan Dumitrescu and Nicolae Tonitza excelled. In 1948, as she provides a few paintings and graphical drawings for the regional competition, she is lucky enough to be spotted by Nicolae Baba. His keen eyes immediately spots her particular stamp and her veritable artistic mark and he recommends to her that she should enroll in Belle Art, in the autumn of the year 1949.

There and in Bucharest, after the dismantling of Belle Art the artist polishes a bunch of techniques as well as her vision which she garnered during her private lessons with S.Cumpană.

Prior to becoming “The lady of Romanian watercolour” as she not only imposed herself to the public whom she enthusiastically electrised during each exhibition, but also to the art critics.... 

Mehr von Iulia Hălăucescu

Alle Kunstwerke sehen
Aquarell auf Papier | 19,7x27,6 in
Aquarell auf Papier | 19,7x27,6 in
Aquarell auf Papier | 19,7x27,6 in
Aquarell auf Papier | 19,7x27,6 in


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