Maki-e Platter: “Celebratory Bamboo” (2021) Sculpture by Issei Hattori

Sculpture - Wood, 17.9x17.9 in
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One of a kind
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  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Sculpture, Wood on Other substrate
  • Dimensions Height 17.9in, Width 17.9in / 45.00 kg
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in good condition
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $20,000
I used wipe-lacquering to bring out the beautiful grain of Japanese horse chestnut wood. I then used raised Maki-e to create a bamboo pattern to complete this piece. Bamboo does not die off in the winter, so it symbolizes longevity or immortality. 栃の木目が美しいので拭き漆で仕上げ、その上に冬も枯れないことから「不老不死」「長寿」などの意味のある竹の高蒔絵を施した作品 [...]
I used wipe-lacquering to bring out the beautiful grain of Japanese horse chestnut wood.
I then used raised Maki-e to create a bamboo pattern to complete this piece. Bamboo does not die off in the winter, so it symbolizes longevity or immortality.

Automatically translated
Artist represented by Kogei Art KYOTO
The rich black color produced by lacquer is called Shikkoku (“lacquerblack”). His work pursues the beauty that can be expressed with gold Maki-e and inlaid mother of pearl placed in the Shikkoku background.[...]

The rich black color produced by lacquer is called Shikkoku (“lacquerblack”). His work pursues the beauty that can be expressed with gold Maki-e and inlaid mother of pearl placed in the Shikkoku background.
Maki-e and the lacquer used in lacquerware are polished with charcoal. Polishing the lacquer with charcoal creates an infinite number of small scratches, but the powder from the charcoal is repeatedly used to polish the surface and rub in the lacquer to create the gloss associated with Japanese lacquer.
he insists that my work be original and even make the base forms to which I apply lacquer. He used gold and silver power for Maki-e and abalone, green turban (turbo marmoratus), and other shells for inlaying. He also uses other natural materials, such as the wing cases of jewel beetles to create modern pieces with a strong sense of design based on themes of air, wind, light, and sky.

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