Cascade (2011) Painting by Isabelle Pelletane

Acrylic on Canvas, 39.4x39.4 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Isabelle Pelletane

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 11 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 39.4in, Width 39.4in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Flower
C'est une oeuvre abstraite, réalisée avec des acryliques sur toile. Elle est signée sur le devant, vernie et livrée avec son système d'accrochage. Les bords sont peints afin de prolonger l'oeuvre. Cela lui permet d'être accrocher sans encadrement. Isabelle travaille les matières picturales au sol, dans une gestuelle[...]
C'est une oeuvre abstraite, réalisée avec des acryliques sur toile.
Elle est signée sur le devant, vernie et livrée avec son système d'accrochage.
Les bords sont peints afin de prolonger l'oeuvre. Cela lui permet d'être accrocher sans encadrement.
Isabelle travaille les matières picturales au sol, dans une gestuelle spontanée, dynamique et instinctive, une technique tout en rythmes et mouvements, rappelant l'expressionnisme abstrait et l' « l'action painting ».
Les jeux de couleurs vives, les tâches fraîchement parsemées d'éclaboussures, de coulures, dans des couleurs lumineuses, lui permettent d'évoquer ici la beauté de la nature.
Art is life !
Copyright (C) Isabelle Pelletane (all rights reserved).

It's an abstract work, made with acrylics on canvas.
It's signed on the front, varnished and delivered with its dock system.
The edges are painted to prolong the work. This allows it to be hung without framing.
Isabelle works the pictorial materials in a spontaneous, dynamic and instinctive gesture, a technique all in rhythms and movements, reminiscent of abstract expressionism and the «action painting».
The harmony of these colours, stains, and splashes, allow them to evoke here the beauty of the nature.
Art is life !
Copyright (C) Isabelle Pelletane (all rights reserved).

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Isabelle Pelletane is a contemporary French artist. Specializing in vibrant acrylic paintings, Pelletane's canvases come alive with captivating depictions of floral scenes,[...]

Isabelle Pelletane is a contemporary French artist. Specializing in vibrant acrylic paintings, Pelletane's canvases come alive with captivating depictions of floral scenes, showcasing the beauty of botanical life. Her artistic journey is deeply rooted in an abstract aesthetic direction, where the focal points are the dynamic interplay of movement and color.

In Pelletane's artistic realm, the act of painting is a profound and immersive experience. The entire process is characterized by a commitment that is wholehearted, instinctive, and brimming with energy. Her artistic expression unfolds through the deliberate use of materials, which she confidently and spontaneously manipulates on the canvas. Every stroke, every gesture contributes to the expulsion of creativity onto the surface, creating a captivating dance of form and color.

Pelletane's approach is grounded in the immediacy of the present moment—a spontaneous outpouring of life itself. The act of painting becomes a driving force, a total investment in the artistic process. Each creation is a testament to her passion and dedication, encapsulating a momentary snapshot of life's vitality. Her paintings have found their way into numerous private collections across Europe, China, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

See more from Isabelle Pelletane

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