Casario alentejano (2017) Картина - Isabel Alfarrobinha


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Продавец Isabel Alfarrobinha

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27,14 $
46,67 $
100,94 $
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Продавец Isabel Alfarrobinha

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32,56 $
130,25 $
271,35 $
Максимальное разрешение: 3994 x 1705 px
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Художникам выплачивается роялти за каждую продажу

Продавец Isabel Alfarrobinha

  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акрил на Холст
  • Размеры Высота 11,8in, Ширина 27,6in
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Акрил Краска с использованием традиционных пигментов, смешанных с синтетическими смолами. [...]
Isabel Alfarrobinha  Artist, teacher, Authur and illustrator. Born in South Africa in 1963. She currently lives in Setúbal, Portugal. Plastic artist with a background in Art & Design. She[...]

Isabel Alfarrobinha 

Artist, teacher, Authur and illustrator.

Born in South Africa in 1963.

She currently lives in Setúbal, Portugal.

Plastic artist with a background in Art & Design.

She is an author and an does illustration.

She published her first children`s book in 2023.

Her work began as  dedicated to oil painting, developing a taste for watercolor, sketching and illustration.

In 2001 she made her first solo exhibition.

 Since then, she has done numerous collective and individual exhibitions in Portugal and abroad.

She holds,  medals ,honorable mentions and other distinctions in Portugal and abroad.

 Along with her artistic career,  she directs classes, exhibitions,  workshops and performs graphic design, illustration as well as sketching. 

She is referred to in art books and was part of a television program.

Represented in several public and private collections in Portugal and abroad. 

Published her first children`s book, written and illustrated by her in 2023.

Member of Artiset (artists of Setúbal), Aapor (watercolor artists of Portugal), Artcom (international artists association), Urban sketchers of Portugal and Arrábida sketchers of Setúbal.

"Art is the expression of my deepest ethon. Its colors and different shapes convey a rebelliousness and a logic of living in this world in constant transformation."

Nowadays, she paints, writes, illustrates and is directs an art painting programe for retired

and other students. Nowadays, she is directing an Art programme for retired students and family.

Смотреть ещё Isabel Alfarrobinha

Просмотреть все произведения
Картина | 12,2x16,1 in
378,63 $
Акварель на Бумага | 11,7x16,5 in
557,98 $
По запросу
Картина | 9,1x12,2 in
266,81 $


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