Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes Profile Picture

Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes

Artist (Painting, Drawing)
Born unknown date
I explore concepts about the construction of identity. Portraits are one of my main interests. Portraits, as a reflection of the universe of the human emotional state.

I'm both an artist and an architect. I hold a degree in Architecture from Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture (ex-KICI). Since 1990 I'm a Member of the Portuguese Architect Professional Order.

Parallel to my professional activity, I have been doing a personal research, separate from Architecture.

I have chosen painting as the main form of expression.

The research is performed through the technique of oil and acrylic.

In my latest set of works I explore concepts about the construction of Identity.

One of the main interests for me, are the Portraits.

Portraits, as a reflection about the universe of the human emotional state.

In painting, the time of the portrait is dynamic - full of memories of the past and the foresight of the future. The portrait is constantly between artistic reflection and the mystique of reality.

My purpose is not to copy a person's external appearance, but rather to create a portal for a journey to the psychological research using the human faces and the human eyes.

The human eyes is where we can find the most complete, reliable and important information about this subject.

As for many figurative painters, it is impossible for me to avoid the imminent shadows of Lucian Freud painting process, so evocative and so emotional.

Each Portrait is a unique message and demands its own life.

Discover contemporary artworks by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary portuguese artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Drawing. Account type: Artist , member since 2021 (Country of origin Portugal). Buy Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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3 artworks by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes (Selection)

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Sea - Collection LISTENING TO THE SEA • 3 artworks

The sea of my childhood took over my whole life, with its smell, its winds, its rains, its noise and[...]
The sea of my childhood took over my whole life, with its smell, its winds, its rains, its noise and its amazing beauty.
Painting titled "SALT RAIN - Collect…" by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes, Original Artwork, Oil
SALT RAIN - Collection LISTENING TO THE SEA - Painting, 47.2x47.2 in ©2017 by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes - Abstract, abstract-570, Seascape, sea, blue, art, abstract, impressionism, expressionism, nature, landscape, white, layered, wave, white wave, vibrant sea, deep space, atmosphere, water blue, ocean, painting oil on linen canvas, irina inozemtseva-lopes, large dimension

Oil on Linen Canvas | 47.2x47.2 in

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Painting titled "RAIN IN THE SEA - C…" by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes, Original Artwork, Oil
RAIN IN THE SEA - Collection LISTENING TO THE SEA - Painting, 47.2x31.5 in ©2016 by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes - Abstract, abstract-570, Seascape, expressionism, minimalism, nature, seascape, oil painting on linen canvas, oceano, rain in the sea, irina inozemtseva-lopes, atmosphere, sky blue, layered, large dimension, blue water, beach, dream, deep space, zen sea, vibrant, art abstract, white wave

Oil on Linen Canvas | 47.2x31.5 in

Prints available
Painting titled "MELANCHOLY - Collec…" by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes, Original Artwork, Oil
MELANCHOLY - Collection LISTENING TO THE SEA - Painting, 51.2x38.2 in ©2016 by Irina Inozemtseva-Lopes - Abstract, abstract-570, saescape, beach, psychology, impressionism, landscape, light blue, painting oil on linen canvas, ocean, atmosphere, blue water, deep space, art abstract, large dimension, layered, nature, irina inozemtseva-lopes, dream, zen sea, vibrant

Oil on Linen Canvas | 51.2x38.2 in

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