Old Harry Rocks, Purbeck Coast, Dorset (2021) Malarstwo autorstwa Ibolya Taligas


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Sprzedawca Ibolya Taligas

Papier artystyczny, 8x10 in

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32,59 USD
Usage: Licencja sieciowa
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  1126 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1126x1500
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Licencje niestandardowe

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Bank dzieł sztuki
The famous rock formations along the Jurassic Coast in England. I painted this scene on location before and this painting is the the combination of that painting and the photo I took during the painting process. This is one of the most scenic coastline in England that inspires me to paint it over and over again. Watercolour on cotton rag paper.[...]
The famous rock formations along the Jurassic Coast in England. I painted this scene on location before and this painting is the the combination of that painting and the photo I took during the painting process. This is one of the most scenic coastline in England that inspires me to paint it over and over again.
Watercolour on cotton rag paper. Size: 16 x 12 inches. Year: 2021.
The original painting is sold. Prints are available in my Redbubble and Fine Art America shops.

Powiązane tematy

Old Harry RocksPurbeck CoastDorset CoastEnglish CoastBritish Coast

Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Ibolya Taligas is a self-taught watercolorist who has been residing in the United Kingdom for the past 30 years. Originally from Hungary where she studied Art and English. She continued her education in London[...]

Ibolya Taligas is a self-taught watercolorist who has been residing in the United Kingdom for the past 30 years. Originally from Hungary where she studied Art and English. She continued her education in London and became an illustrator after finishing her studies. She decided to travel around the UK and seek out some of the areas of outstanding natural beauty. Equipped with her sketchbooks, paints and field easel Ibolya started her watercolour journey, recording all the beauty that surrounded her in the British countryside as well as in famous historic towns. After many years of painting on location she accumulated a large collection of artwork which she decided to exhibit online. To her surprise her humble paintings and sketches, as she calls them, attracted the attention of art collectors worldwide, many of whom became repeat buyers and friends.  Ibolya continues to capture peaceful scenes of nature. Her work is displayed in private homes in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and many EU countries. 

Zobacz więcej od Ibolya Taligas

Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Akwarela na Papier | 11x15 in
247,34 USD
Akwarela na Papier | 15x22 in
579,78 USD
Akwarela na Papier | 11x15 in
446,8 USD
Akwarela na Papier | 16x12 in
454,78 USD


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