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Helena Butler

London, United Kingdom
Artist (Painting)
Born 1957
My aim is to capture the feel and atmosphere of a place, whether it is the woods or the motorway.

I attended Cordwainers College ( part of London College of Fashion ), for two years studying Accessories Design and Manufacture, which involved producing art work and design drawings. Following which I worked in vintage fashion for the next fifteen years,  I also made and sold jewelry.

After a long career in several creative industries, I now devote all the time I can to painting - it gives me huge pleasure if someone likes what I produce enough to hang it in their home !

I am a fan of the Noir films of the 1940s, the mood and long shadows definitely influence my work and I look for scenes to paint that have that dramatic tension.

 I make semi-abstract road-scapes and river-scapes using acrylics and oil paint, on stretched canvas or linen.

Living in West London I have access to the river Thames - a constant source of beautiful watery views.  I also find inspiration painting the Great West Road - which is three minutes walk from my home.

The structures of the flyover and underpass create a great framework for a painting, and the coloured lights bouncing off the tarmac add drama.

The reflected road lights remind me of reflections in water, so I would say overall that although the subject matter may seem diverse, the theme is always - atmosphere, reflections and light. 

I use acrylics, ink and water-based oils, working in many layers to give depth and texture to my work.  

Discover contemporary artworks by Helena Butler, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary british artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2023 (Country of origin United Kingdom). Buy Helena Butler's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Helena Butler. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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5 artworks by Helena Butler (Selection)

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Painting titled "Great West Road by…" by Helena Butler, Original Artwork, Oil Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Great West Road by Night - Painting, 37.4x25.6 in ©2024 by Helena Butler - Abstract, abstract-570, City
"Great West Road by Night"

Oil on Canvas | 37.4x25.6 in

Not For Sale Prints from $62.10
Painting titled "Luminous Sky and Wa…" by Helena Butler, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Luminous Sky and Water - Painting, 23.6x19.7 in ©2022 by Helena Butler - Abstract, abstract-570, Landscape, waterscape, teal blue, blue and green, modern landscape, riverscape, deep blues and green, atmospheric water painting, atmospheric landscape, restful painting, teal blue landscape, contemporary landscape, watery landscape, seasacpe, Loch Lomond
"Luminous Sky and Water"

Acrylic on Canvas | 23.6x19.7 in

Not For Sale Prints from $62.10
Painting titled "Ice Cream Sky" by Helena Butler, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Ice Cream Sky - Painting, 19.7x19.7 in ©2022 by Helena Butler - Abstract, abstract-570, Seascape, sea painting, colourful, modern landscape, contemporary landscape, sundown, pink sky, gold and pink sky, golden glow sunset, sunset at sea
"Ice Cream Sky"

Acrylic on Canvas | 19.7x19.7 in

Prints from $62.10
Painting titled "Late Night Coloured…" by Helena Butler, Original Artwork, Acrylic
Late Night Coloured Lights - Painting, 20x24 in ©2022 by Helena Butler - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Architecture, motorway, cars, roads, head lights, Night scene, Night driving, cars at night, west London, urban landscape, city scape, london road, atmospheric painting
"Late Night Coloured Lights"

Acrylic on Canvas | 20x24 in

Prints from $62.10
Painting titled "Sundown at Sea" by Helena Butler, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Sundown at Sea - Painting, 118.1x118.1 in ©2021 by Helena Butler - Abstract, abstract-570, Seascape, moody atmospheric art, deep blue and pink, inks, sea painting, modern seascape, contemporary sescape, atmospheric relaxing art, sundown, sea scene, deep colours, relaxing sea painting, paintings of water
"Sundown at Sea"

Acrylic on Canvas | 118.1x118.1 in

Not For Sale Prints from $62.10
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