Carpe diem! (2020) Painting by Danielle Hameleers

Oil on Linen Canvas, 11.8x23.6 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 11.8in, Width 23.6in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Figurative Women Portraits
A portrait painting showing a blonde woman in a green dress. She is directly looking at the viewer and holds a skull in her right hand. The face of the skull is turned towards her. The background of the painting is a dark green with pink roses. My main reason for painting this picture is very simple: life is fleeting. Make sure you use it well, or[...]
A portrait painting showing a blonde woman in a green dress. She is directly looking at the viewer and holds a skull in her right hand. The face of the skull is turned towards her. The background of the painting is a dark green with pink roses. My main reason for painting this picture is very simple: life is fleeting. Make sure you use it well, or in other words: carpe diem, seize the day.

Related themes

RosesSkullBrown EyesMemento MoriBlonde Woman

Danielle Hameleers is a contemporary Dutch painter. Operating within the figurative/realist style, she utilizes models, placing them against a diverse array of backgrounds, including[...]

Danielle Hameleers is a contemporary Dutch painter. Operating within the figurative/realist style, she utilizes models, placing them against a diverse array of backgrounds, including some abstract settings. This approach allows her to indulge in her deep appreciation for the human form, often juxtaposed with landscapes, seascapes, flowers, or vibrant color compositions.

Self-taught in the realm of painting, Danielle's academic background led her to study chemistry, earn a PhD, and engage in innovation management. It was during a sabbatical that she ventured into the world of art, taking sculpture lessons and rediscovering her passion for drawing. This pivotal moment marked a transformative shift in her life.

Through the exploration of drawing, painting, and sculpting from life models, Danielle honed her skills and deepened her understanding of human anatomy. Among various artistic mediums, she ultimately chose oil paints for their luminous and beautiful colors. Her artistic focus centers on portraying the human form against vibrant and expressive backgrounds, a testament to her love for capturing the essence of her subjects.

Inspiration for Danielle's paintings stems from a variety of sources, ranging from daily observations to classical mythology. Her diverse experiences, from a background in chemistry to a sabbatical pursuit of the arts, have contributed to the unique blend of technique and subject matter evident in her captivating and evocative oil paintings.

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Oil on Linen Canvas | 15.8x11.8 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 15.8x15.8 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 23.6x27.6 in


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