Story (2021) Dibujo por Svetlana Gudilova

Pastel en Papel, 4,6x6,4 in
367 US$
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Devoluciones gratis
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  • Seguimiento Seguimiento del pedido hasta la entrega al comprador. Se proporcionará un número de seguimiento para que pueda seguir el paquete en tiempo real.
  • Plazos de tiempo La mayoría de los paquetes se entregan en todo el mundo en un plazo de 1 a 3 semanas. (Estimar)
  • Impuesto de aduana no incluido El precio no incluye gastos de aduana. La mayoría de los países no tienen impuestos de importación para obras de arte originales, pero es posible que deba pagar el IVA reducido. La oficina de aduanas calculará las tasas de aduana (si las hubiere) a la llegada y el transportista las facturará por separado.
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Papel de bellas artes, 8x11 in

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33,00 US$
Usage: Licencia web
Uso de la imagen en un sitio web o en Internet.
  1064 px  

1500 px
Dimensiones del archivo (px) 1064x1500
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Banco de imágenes de arte
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Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Synesthesia is a type of color hearing in which musical sounds evoke color associations in a person. I am the kind of person who has color hearing. My paintings are the material embodiment of music. Beethoven wrote a work based on verses by Goethe. Goethe's poems tell about the suffering of a girl who[...]
Synesthesia is a type of color hearing in which musical sounds evoke color associations in a person.

I am the kind of person who has color hearing.
My paintings are the material embodiment of music.

Beethoven wrote a work based on verses by Goethe.

Goethe's poems tell about the suffering of a girl who languishes in anticipation of a meeting.
I imagined an image when she walks along the seashore and shares her experiences with him. The excitement of the sea is in harmony with her feelings. Either her heart is filled with love, which is illuminated by bright rays, then doubts appear, which, like clouds over the sea, gather and strive to close the sun.
Beethoven's music also has an image in which the blissful sound of the C major key prevails, but there is a deviation in A minor and we can already hear fleeting sadness.

The most beautiful time at sea is during sunset. The rays of the sun paint the waves in different colors. They are reflected from the water and the sea seems to glow from the inside. I like this time of day so much that I never get tired of drawing it and finding new types and colors.

And also - the twilight conveys human emotions so well. As the sun goes down, everything changes as quickly as the emotional experience.

Have you noticed that during the twilight, the colors around become juicier and brighter?
In my opinion - pastel is much better than other types of paints, conveys brightness and richness, which I love so much in paintings. Therefore, for the image of the sea, I chose pastel. And if you put a pastel painting in a frame behind the glass, not forgetting to put a mat - an interlayer that would separate the painting from the glass, not allowing the pastel layer to come into contact with the glass, then such paintings retain their richness of colors much longer than oil painting.
Unlike oil paintings, the paint on them will not crack and burst.

My seascapes do not depict animals, people or seagulls. Thus, I want it to become closer and the rest of the details do not interfere with perception and merging with it.

My paintings do not have the artist's signature. I sign my work before sending it to the customer. And if the format of the picture allows, then I can sign several phrases on it that you want. It can be a congratulation to the person to whom you want to give a picture, or a phrase that is of great importance to you.

Temas relacionados

A Gift To A MusicianMusic PictureXmas GiftsPicture For InterionSea ​​In Beige Colors

Traducido automáticamente
The theme of my artwork is music. Considering that the musical language arose from the intonations of colloquial speech, then I depict the energy of not only musical sounds, but also literary ones, because[...]

The theme of my artwork is music. Considering that the musical language arose from the intonations of colloquial speech, then I depict the energy of not only musical sounds, but also literary ones, because a literary work is the basis and motivating factor for the birth of music. These two types of art are united by a common specificity - a sound wave. Therefore, my paintings are not only a visualization of music as an art form, but also music in the broadest sense of the word: the energy that it carries with it. The music of life, soul, feelings, sensations and emotions...

Why do I mean precisely the energy, and not the meaning of musical and literary works. Because meaning is what is imposed on us. The word passion has a certain decoding, which everyone adheres to, but each of us will have our own individual emotions with this word that are not subject to any literary decoding.The ones we live in.

That is why there are no finished classical images in my works. They blur in a color sequence, they are part of the energy in which each viewer puts his own meaning.

At the heart of my visualization is a color stroke. In this way I express the color of the sound wave and the temporal duration of the sound. Why sound? Because sound is the fundamental principle of the creation of the world!

Ver más de Svetlana Gudilova

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Pastel en Papel | 25,6x19,7 in
357 US$
Pastel en Papel | 25,6x19,7 in
357 US$
Pastel en Papel | 4,6x6,4 in
367 US$
Carteles disponibles
Pastel en Papel | 4,6x6,4 in
367 US$
Carteles disponibles


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