Ananke (2022) Картина - Giuseppe Dorazio (gd)

Масло на Холст, 21,7x29,5 in
3 278,19 $
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Продавец Giuseppe Dorazio (gd)
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Anake (Oil painting on canvas art by Giuseppe Dorazio) - Print "Everything I do is to believe in divergent thinking, to believe that there is a different perspective; the way I challenge research, leads art into passion, an archetype into a painting, an emotion into a story." ----- "Ananke"[...]
Anake (Oil painting on canvas art by Giuseppe Dorazio) - Print

"Everything I do is to believe in divergent thinking, to believe that there is a different perspective; the way I challenge research, leads art into passion, an archetype into a painting, an emotion into a story."


"Ananke" is the depiction of the constriction of time, the single moment in which everything happens, where desire is born unexpectedly, that single moment in which the inevitable and ineluctable force of desire manifests itself.

"... The painting "ANANKE" stands out for its ability to capture the essence of time and passion in a single moment. The depicted scene, portraying a couple engaged in a passionate embrace amidst warm ochre and brownish-red hues, conveys a sense of intimacy and fervor.

The centerpiece of the composition is the embrace itself, symbolizing the moment when desire unexpectedly takes over in a overwhelming manner. Despite the woman's forward-leaning position, the clear sense of complicity and mutual attraction between them is evident, creating an atmosphere of deep and irresistible connection.

Particularly significant is the man's gentle gesture of his hand slipping between the woman's legs, adding another dimension to the visual narrative. This gesture represents the irresistible force of desire suddenly bursting forth, enveloping the protagonists in passion and pleasure, creating a moment of shared desire.

Overall, "ANANKE" emerges as a powerful symbol of the inevitable and unstoppable force of human desire, capturing in a single moment the complexity of emotions and feelings associated with passion. Its ability to convey a sense of suspended temporality and profound intimacy makes this painting an extraordinary visual and emotional experience for the viewer... "

Связанные темы

Original ArtNudoGiuseppe DorazioGdNew York

Переведено автоматически
"I think that since I was a child, listening to my grandmother's violin, playing among my grandfather's sculptures, I began to develop my creativity and curiosity.  I remember that as a[...]

"I think that since I was a child, listening to my grandmother's violin, playing among my grandfather's sculptures, I began to develop my creativity and curiosity. 

I remember that as a child, I asked my grandfather for a toy car as a gift, he gave me a clay brick and he said: ‘you can make all the cars you want!’ I was really disappointed. Thinking back to those episodes now, I smile and I also believe that my career began in those years.

I've always been deeply involved in art. My mother, also an artist and art teacher,  always pushed me to dare and uses all types of materials and colors, to attend artists, exhibitions, and museums with a curious rather than a critical eye, provided me with a guide and allowed me to understand that the loyal confrontations without judgment is one of reading key of art for the artist.

 A few years ago I left my work as interior design to dedicate primarily to the arts. This is where I find the most satisfaction and freedom to express myself. 

I moved to London and rented a studio with other artists, which provided me with great exposure and learning. 

I'm convinced that continuous research, never feeling completely arrived, the experimentation, to dare, is a path that has a beginning but will never have an end.

For me, that's the true essence of art, always changing and in evolving without end"

Смотреть ещё Giuseppe Dorazio (gd)

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