Après le bal (2023) Картина - Geneviève Chaussé

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Продавец Geneviève Chaussé

  • Подлинное произведение искусства (One Of A Kind) Картина, Акварель / Акрил на Бумага
  • Размеры Высота 8,4in, Ширина 8,4in
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Рама Эта работа не оформлена
  • Категории Символизм Эротические обнаженные тела
По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили Акварель Акварель - это картина, в которой гуммиарабик связывает прозрачные пигменты, раскрывая[...]

Связанные темы


PRESENTATION: I am Geneviève CHAUSSÉ, a professional multidisciplinary visual artist living in Rawdon, Quebec, Canada. I am an intuitive artist with a spiritual soul and a gestural hand. My main subjects[...]


I am Geneviève CHAUSSÉ, a professional multidisciplinary visual artist living in Rawdon, Quebec, Canada. I am an intuitive artist with a spiritual soul and a gestural hand. My main subjects are nature, life, and love. Everything that transcends me energetically is a reason to create, it is even vital.


Geneviève CHAUSSÉ is a professional contemporary artist born and based in Rawdon, Quebec, Canada in the luxurious nature of the Lanaudière region.

Graduate in arts and graphic design, she was a conceptual designer and then an art director for many years. Her main artistic process is painting. She is also fond of drawing, digital art, photography, and collage, which prevails in her current approach. She is actually in the making of her first important body of work, entitled: «Bodies and Souls» a series of 12 creations.

Geneviève is an intuitive multidisciplinary artist seeking the intelligence of her heart. She paints a tribute to nature, life and love; everything that transcends her energy, her soul, her spirituality sometimes with a surrealism and symbolism twist. Her paintings (watercolour, acrylic, oil, pastel) demonstrate vibrant colours dancing dashingly in perfect symbiosis. They are expressive and intense. A feast for the eyes often bringing joy, peace and light to the contemplative soul.


-« The demonstration of love for life, oneself or the other, is the most significant element of my work. Its interpretation dominates and it is represented as an introspective message, a guiding light, like a reflection in a mirror with powerful energy. The visual creation of my dreams, reality and my feelings is fundamental. It is often visionary, above all symbolic, and utterly surreal. The souls present, the objects chosen, the place, and the space are very important and reign in my work. All together, they form a harmonious, even transcendent alliance.

In my assignment, the essence of the statement and the visual composition is above all defining, first and foremost. The subjects and the choice of radiant colours are accentuated and meaningful.

I am interested in the experience of human beings on a spiritual level. Human or animal figures communicate. They are alive, inspiring and very often coexist with nature. I explore the theme of intimacy on a dreamlike, sentimental and meditative level. I want to reach the viewer in what is most sensitive and bring out latent emotions. Overall, it is an invitation to live a patient, transformative and profound experience with the Source. »

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Акварель на Бумага | 8x8 in
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Акварель на Бумага | 11x8,5 in
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Акрил на картон | 6x6 in
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Акрил на картон | 9x12 in
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