This morning (2024) 絵画 Galina Poloz によって

紙の水彩画, 12.2x16.1 in
プライス: 送料無料

販売者 Galina Poloz
お客様のレビュー (2)
発送元: モルドバ (封筒) 1週間内で発送
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最大解像度: 3663 x 2947 px

販売者 Galina Poloz

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, 紙の 水彩画
  • 寸法 高さ 12.2in, 幅 16.1in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $500未満 抽象芸術 抽象芸術
I work with various painting materials, exploring the possibilities of representation of perception hidden in them - not of the visual environment, but of vision itself. For me, painting is an experience that celebrates contemplation not in the objects depicted, but in the vibrations of the light and air, in the transparency of the composition and[...]
I work with various painting materials, exploring the possibilities of representation of perception hidden in them - not of the visual environment, but of vision itself. For me, painting is an experience that celebrates contemplation not in the objects depicted, but in the vibrations of the light and air, in the transparency of the composition and the sonority of the colour. The painting is a symbolic projection, which, like a sensitive membrane, is capable of capturing the subtle nuances of perception itself - imperceptible on functionalist levels of communication.

As an artist, I am interested in an approach to cognition that is based on intuition. According to Henri Bergson, the intuitionist method makes it possible to go beyond apperception - to see what lies beyond what is already known and adapted to the modern model of thinking. Intuition is what enables us to free ourselves from patriarchal norms, segregations and artificial ideals.
Abstract art is a core, fundamental strand of my artistic practice. It is the nerve of my aesthetic research. Visual form, colour, line are not passive objects for manipulation, but full-fledged actors for me. In my works they are formed into plots, each of them carries a dramatic tension. It can be extrapolated into the usual forms of narratives, or it can be contemplated as a constructive framework, an axis of aesthetic experience. In creating abstractions, I appeal to the very nature of human perception, reflecting in visual images the manner of abstract thinking and feeling. We translate almost everything into abstractions, it is a way we all share in common to see the world and retain what we see. I strive to open up the visual form, to decompose it down to this basic principle, to behold the mirror of my own perception before my eyes.


Watercolor AbstractionWatercolorartSummerMorningMisty

Graduated with honors from the Chisinau Art College. Moldova.Graduated with honors from the State Art Institute of Estonia.Member of the Union of Artists of Moldova.Member of the Union of Designers of Moldova.Member[...]

Graduated with honors from the Chisinau Art College. Moldova.Graduated with honors from the State Art Institute of Estonia.Member of the Union of Artists of Moldova.Member of the Union of Designers of Moldova.Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.Member of the Moscow Union of Artists.Member of the International Public Association "Union of Designers".


Galina Polozからもっと見る

リネンキャンバスのアクリル | 21.7x27.6 in
紙のアクリル | 22.1x15 in
紙の水彩画 | 9.8x21.7 in
紙の水彩画 | 15.8x19.5 in

