Gimel Gadol (2023) Rzeźba autorstwa Gabriel Bass
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Sprzedawca Gabriel Bass
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535 px | ||
1500 px |
Wymiary pliku (px) | 535x1500 |
Użyj na całym świecie | Tak |
Korzystaj z opcji multi-support | Tak |
Używaj na dowolnym nośniku | Tak |
Prawo odsprzedaży | Nie |
Maksymalna liczba odbitek | 0 (Zero) |
Produkty przeznaczone do sprzedaży | Nie |
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Bank dzieł sztuki-
Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind)
na Obiekt
- Wymiary Wysokość 74,8in, Szerokość 29,5in / 20.00 kg
- Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
- Nadaje się na zewnątrz? Tak, Ta grafika może być wyświetlana na zewnątrz
- Kategorie Sztuka duchowa
Gavriel, our artist’s name, starts with the Hebrew letter Gimel. Jewish thinkers were known to write praises using the acrostic of their names.
The Golem is a creature that kabbalistic sources credit for creating a living being by unifying the Hebrew letters to mimic the process of creation demonstrated by Hashem.
Powiązane tematy
Gabriel’s work can be found in private collections, synagogues, institutions, and museums throughout the world. His unique design and production process is heavily rooted in an exploration of flow and Kabbalah.
Originally from the Pacific/Northwest, Gabriel lived on the Musqueam Reserve where he met totem pole carvers who offered to teach him their craft, particularly master carver Richard Campbell. Gabriel continues to employ many of these same techniques and tools in his work today. After leaving the reservation Gabriel journeyed to develop a deeper relationship with his native Jewish roots. He continued to employ the tools and techniques learned from the totem pole carvers into Jewish ceremonial art. The entire human race is obligated to create tribal ceremonial arts to preserve their stories, history, and culture into future generations.
While in Vancouver, Gabriel met native Israeli carpenter Gavriel Bar-Lev, who gave him a job in general carpentry while he continued to visit Richard on the reserve. Gabriel slowly built his portfolio of both Jewish and Native Northwest style artwork. He was quickly accepted into some of the most prestigious art shows across the United States.
In 2001, Gabriel got married to Gabriella in Seattle. They rented an old carpentry studio and toured the USA selling carvings and furniture out of a semi-truck. The next year they made aliyah to Israel. Gabriel took the transitional opportunity to study design and glass blowing at the Bezalel Academy for Art in Jerusalem.
In the hills south of Jerusalem, Gabriel started both his furniture making business, known as Bass Furniture, and the education wing, known as The Jewish Artist Center. Gabriel continues to put the finishing touches on all work produced by Bass Furniture while managing the businesses, giving tours, and teaching workshops. All furniture, lighting, and artwork are currently produced in Katzrin, Golan Heights by a small team of some of the most talented craftsmen in Israel.
Gabriel has always been a participant of outdoor flow sports. In Israel, Gabriel fell in love with paragliding. He also works in the winter with the ski patrol at Mount Hermon. He gains inspiration from natural form and ancient Kabbalistic texts. His artwork breaths new life into scraps, otherwise discarded from building holy vessels.
- Obywatelstwo: IZRAEL
- Data urodzenia : nieznana data
- Domeny artystyczne: Prace profesjonalnych artystów,
- Grupy: Profesjonalny artysta Współcześni Artyści Izraelscy